Community calendar
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 4 months AGO
Free Screening Clinic
A free developmental and preschool screening clinic for children ages 0 to 5 in the St. Ignatius School District will be held at the St. Ignatius Elementary School on Thursday, Nov. 15 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Please call 745-3811 ext. 233 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening or to receive more information. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening.
Presidential Lecture Series Continues
SKC President’s Guest Lecture Series welcomes Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard (Clan Affiliation: Ng?ti Rangiwewehi, Ng?ti Ngararanui, Ng?ti Awa, Ng?ti Pahipoto, Ng?ti Raukawa) Lecture will be held Friday, Nov. 16 at noon in the Johnny Arlee/Victor Charlo Theatre. The subject of this upcoming session is a history of the Maori people of New Zealand commencing from the migration of the Maori from Rangiatea in the Tahiti region to Aotearoa New Zealand. From pre-European contact through to post contact today showing examples of inter-generational exchange and the role Maori play in New Zealand society today.
Businesswomen Meet
The Mission Valley Sub-network of the Missoula Businesswomen’s Network will be meeting Nov. 15 from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lake County Community Development Building (407 W. Main, Ronan.) The event is open to all businesswomen or those interested in starting a business. Speaker Carol Cunningham will be sharing on the subject “Utilizing Small Business Services in the Mission Valley.” For more information or to RSVP call (406) 407-3054.
Ronan Thanksgiving Dinner
The Ninth Annual Ronan Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Nov. 22 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ronan Community Center. Dinner is free but volunteers are needed. Festivities for the day include entertainment and a traditional turkey dinner. Everyone is welcome to attend and the dinner is free.
Holiday Decoration Contest
Because it is a lot more fun to string up those Christmas lights before the snow starts to fly, the Beautification Committee of Envision Polson is announcing plans for the second annual community-wide holiday decorations contest early. The committee is encouraging people to have their holiday lighting displays completed by Monday, Nov. 26. Contest nomination forms will be available at the Polson Chamber of Commerce and also may be down loaded from the Polson Chamber website, as well as the Greater Polson Community Foundation website, The contest is open to residences, businesses, churches, and neighborhoods if there are at least three residences participating. Judging will take place from Monday, Dec. 10 through Wednesday, Dec. 12. Winners will be announced Friday, Dec. 14. Judges will look for the best use of theme, the best use of lights, originality, and overall appearance.
Parade of Lights
The Lake County Leader is sponsoring the annual Christmas Parade of Lights. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. on Nov. 30, traveling from Linderman to 1st Street East, to 3rd Avenue to Main Street. Parade will end with the lighting of the tree between Glacier Bank drive-thru and the Showboat Theatre. For more information, or to be part of the parade, please call the Leader office at (406) 883-4343.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Please help us collect 100 pounds of food by Thanksgiving! A couple of cans + you = Helping to feed the community of Polson.
Drop your cans off at Polson Family Chiropractic. We’re located at 801 4th Avenue Eas