Thursday, March 06, 2025

Yes, our GOP has to change

Earl Parker | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years, 3 months AGO
by Earl Parker
| November 16, 2012 8:15 PM

If you are an Idaho Republican it's pretty hard to find reasons to change! This state delivered almost 70 percent of the vote for Romney. That was among the highest in the nation. And, local GOP candidates also were elected by one-sided victories.

This victory, however, is pretty bittersweet when one looks at the national election.

Republicans had the best candidate, the right message, and the best chance to regain financial sanity in federal government. We were facing a president with less than 50 percent favorable ratings, and yet we could not deliver the vote.

I'm a Reagan Republican. In the early 70s I served as press secretary to the Lt. Governor in the Reagan administration, and then managed statewide campaigns in California. I never apologize for my views, which simply believe big government hinders opportunities for individuals to achieve their highest potential. The smaller the government, the better the chances are we will be able to control our own destinies.

But, I am also a realist when it comes to politics. This is one place where coming in second means absolutely nothing! And the Republicans lost Nov. 6.

To me, the election results make it clear that the GOP has to change, and beginning right now.

It's time we stop shooting ourselves in the foot. Our stands on social issues are hurting us. Our virtually "all white" party is out of touch with the population trends.

Face it, folks:

* We lost the Latino vote

* We lost the African American vote

* We lost the woman vote

* We lost the youth vote

And, if you still are one of those Republicans who is not willing to change, you will find yourself in a party losing elections to even higher numbers of minorities, women voters, and youth voters.

During the past campaign the television pictures of the audiences gave us a good indication of what was going to happen on Nov. 6. Whenever Gov. Romney spoke he had enthusiastic crowds. The problem, if you took the time to look at the faces behind him, there were very few faces of color. There were few faces of young people. It was a crowd of middle aged and senior citizens.

Yes, we are faced with a real dilemma. We can dig in our heels; stand our ground and hope - just hope that somehow we will convince minorities, youth and women that they are equal to us.

On the other hand, we can begin to operate openly where minorities, youth and women live and work.

It's time to put troops on the ground in communities where the minorities live.

It's time to become more aggressive with youth programs and identify and recruit young folks who "speak" the language of the other side.

It's time to let women know we might differ on some social issues but will fight for equal opportunities in the workplace.

That's doesn't mean to me that I have to throw aside my moral and personal values. I just don't have to look down my nose to those who don't agree with me.

We like to boast about the great President Reagan, and call ourselves Reagan Republicans. Then, in the same breath we lash out about.

Gov. Reagan had a different view how to tackle the issue of abortion. He made it clear he personally opposed abortions and the use of government funding. He was able to make that his position and move forward with the Republican agenda.

And during his presidency he worked to find a path to citizenship for those illegals who had risked it all to cross the border into our country. Now, it seems the GOP cry is, "Send them back to Mexico!"

Can't we learn from his examples?

As I said at the beginning, for those of us in Idaho it is hard to see that we have to change. But, the writing is on the wall. As our state grows, and it surely will, and as we find new economic opportunities we will see more faces of color around as minorities move to Idaho to enjoy the same wonderful lifestyle we enjoy.

Without inclusion by the Republicans, these new minority residents will turn to the Democrats, with their platforms and patronizations that keeps them stranded in a system that treats them like victims.

And our young people - with all their wonderful dreams and hopes for a better world - will turn to the opposition as the party who "understands" them.

And women, who are enjoying more and more opportunities, will be driven to the party that tells them "we feel your pain."

"We're better than all of that. We unpopular stands on issues like "no tax increases for the wealthy" that have lost our way.

Hey, folks, we're the party that freed the slaves. Let's begin acting like it. Let's move forward as the party of small government and hope for all people.

Earl Parker is a resident of Twin Lakes.


MY TURN: Yes, our GOP has to change
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 12 years, 3 months ago
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U.S. voting demographics working against GOP
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July 12, 2013 9 p.m.

Our GOP slants too far to the right

Recently an editorial in the Coeur d'Alene Press pointed the finger squarely at the fringe right wing of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. I'm certain it ruffled the feathers of these powerful few who somehow believe that anyone who disagrees with them is a liberal or even worse, a socialist or perhaps a communist!

November 16, 2012 6:03 a.m.

MY TURN: Yes, our GOP has to change

If you are an Idaho Republican it's pretty hard to find reasons to change! This state delivered almost 70 percent of the vote for Romney. That was among the highest in the nation. And, local GOP candidates also were elected by one-sided victories.

November 16, 2012 8:15 p.m.

Yes, our GOP has to change

If you are an Idaho Republican it's pretty hard to find reasons to change! This state delivered almost 70 percent of the vote for Romney. That was among the highest in the nation. And, local GOP candidates also were elected by one-sided victories.