Law enforcement and court records
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 3 months AGO
Lake County District Court, Judge McNeil presiding
*The following district court cases took place Nov. 21.
-State of Montana vs. David Martinez. The matter before the court is sentencing. On the charge of sexual intercourse without consent, a felony, the court commits the defendant to the department of corrections for 5 years. For the offense of partner or family member assault, third offense, a felony, the defendant is sentenced to 5 years all suspended. Charges are to run consecutive.
-State of Montana vs. Todd Burland. The matter before the court is arraignment. The defendant pled not guilty to the charge of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fourth or subsequent offense, a felony. The court sets the matter for omnibus on Wednesday, Dec. 26 at 9 a.m. with a jury trial commencing Monday, March 4, 2013 at 9 a.m.
-State of Montana vs. Jefferson Bowden. The matter before the court is hearing of merits. Bowden’s suspended sentence was revoked after the court was presented with witness testimony stating that he broke a number of his probation agreements. The court sentences Bowden to Montana State Prison for 3 years for the offense of assault on a minor, a felony.
-State of Montana vs. Dakota McCarty. The matter before the court is change of plea. McCarty pled guilty to the offense of failure to give notice of change of address by sexual or violent offender, a felony. Sentencing is set for Wednesday, Dec. 26 at 9 a.m.
-State of Montana vs. Jeremy Smithson. The matter before the court is for change of pea. Defendant admits committing the offense of theft, a felony. Sentencing is set for Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013 at 9 a.m.
-State of Montana vs. Gene Adams. The matter before the court is change of plea. The defendant admits to committing the offense of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fourth or subsequent offense, a felony. Sentencing is set for Dec. 26 at 9 a.m.
-State of Montana vs. William Colman. The matter before the court is arraignment. The defendant pleads not guilty to the charge of aggravated assault, a felony. The court sets this matter for omnibus hearing on Wednesday, Jan 23, 2013 at 9 a.m. with a jury trial commencing on Monday, April 1, 2013 at 9 a.m.
-State of Montana vs. Nathan Butler. The matter before the court is arraignment. The defendant pled not guilty to the offenses of deliberate homicide, a felony, attempted deliberate homicide, a felony and assault with a weapon, a felony. Butler is facing life in prison and possible fines of $150,000. Omnibus hearing is set for Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013 at 9 a.m. with a jury trial commencing Monday, April 15, 2013 at 9 a.m.
Justice Court, Judge McNeel presiding
*The following justice court proceedings took place Nov. 16-Nov. 21.
- Francis Tenas; 58. Driving motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked. 180 days in jail with 178 suspended. Fined $250. Operating without liability insurance in effect-first offense. 10 days in jail with 10 days suspended. Fined $250.
- Brian Winters; 26. Driving without a valid driver’s license, a misdemeanor. 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended. Fined $250. Careless driving. Fined $50.
- Sammy Dee Wright Jr.; 19. Operating without liability insurance in effect-first offense, a misdemeanor. 10 days in jail with 10 days suspended. Fined $250. Operating with alcohol concentration of 0.02% BAC under 21 years of age-first offense, a misdemeanor.
-Theodore Morigeau; 24. Reckless driving-first offense. 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended. Fined $300.
- Joshua Gallant; 35. Operating with alcohol concentration of 0.08% BAC or greater-first offense, a misdemeanor. 180 days in jail with 180 suspended. Fined $500.
- Lawrence Galloway; 71. Operating with alcohol concentration of 0.08% BAC or greater-first offense, a misdemeanor. 180 days in jail with 180 suspended. Fined $400.
- Tashiana Schlensker; 18. Owner permitting operation of vehicle with no liability insurance-first offense, a misdemeanor. 5 days in jail with 5 suspended. Fined $250. Driving without valid drivers license, a misdemeanor. 5 days in jail with 5 days suspended. Fined $250.
- Richard Orden; 51. False reports to law enforcement authorities(to implicate another, false incident, etc, a misdemeanor. 180 days in jail with 178 suspended.
-Brion Martin; 40. Violation of commission or department orders or rules, a misdemeanor.
Ronan City Court, Judge Bartels presiding
*The following city court proceedings took place Nov.20-27.
-Alan Largent; 42. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs-third offense, a misdemeanor. Reckless driving-first offense, a misdemeanor.6 months in jail with 6 months suspended. Fined $300. Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked, a misdemeanor. Driving without a valid drivers license, a misdemeanor. Fined $50.
-John Nichols; 75. Partner or family member assault-first offense, a misdemeanor. 365 days in jail with 364 suspended. Fined $100.
-Robin Lamar; 44 . Careless driving, a misdemeanor. Fined $50.
-Marlee Nies; 18. Possessing intoxicating substances while under the age of 21(over age 18.)- first offense, a misdemeanor. Fined $100.
Booked into county jail
*The following people were booked into the county jail from Nov. 21-27, but in most cases have not had a chance to enter a plea. They are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.
-Michael Ellenwood; 21. Arrested on-site for criminal contempt, a misdemeanor.
-Zachariah Scott; 25. Arrested on-site for partner or family assault-minor injury/physical contact, a misdemeanor.
-Sherry Parsons; 32. Arrested on-site for indecent exposure, a misdemeanor.
-Amber Roundine; 25. Arrested on-site for a probation violation, a felony.
-Lorena Couture; 42. Arrested on a warrant.
-Anjelika Kelley; 24. Arrested on a warrant for criminal contempt.
Released from county jail
-Nick Burland; 26. Arrested on-site for disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor.
-Cherri Rorvik; 34. Arrested on-site.
- James Hoskinson; 20. Arrested on-site for driving while license is suspended or revoked, a violation, no liability insurance, a violation, DUI drugs or alcohol, a misdemeanor.
- Jeremy Smithson; 27.Arrested on a warrant for burglary, non-residence, a felony, criminal endangerment, a felony. Theft, a felony and violation of release condition, a felony.
- Ronald Goodsell; 32. Arrested on a warrant for a probation violation, a felony, failure to register as offender, a felony, warrant out of county, a misdemeanor.