WORLD: Will suffer in untold ways
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 12 years, 3 months AGO
It is a rare occasion when I find myself agreeing with a liberal Democrat!
The headline “GOP! You’re 0 for 2” is true but this is also “USA 0 for 2” and “World 0 for 2.” As we all go down the road to destruction, not only Conservatives but also Liberals, the whole country, and the world will suffer in untold ways. Slightly more than 50 percent of those who voted sold their freedom, (birthright) and liberty, and ours, to slavery and serfdom.
In the book of Genesis, Chapter 20, the story of Jacob and Esau is recounted. Esau, the hunter, came home famished and sold his birthright (inheritance) for a bowl of pottage! Obama’s war on women resulted in them (the women) selling their desire for free birth control and abortion for a “bowl of pottage.” Dividing and teaching different groups to hate each other and against business and U.S. success was successful in winning, over reason and rationality. Insanity has been defined as repeatedly doing the same failed things over and over again when it is known worldwide that these policies have failed.
The rest of the article is so absurd that it does not deserve a rebuttal.
Someone has said “Never in the history of the world have so many senseless people elected a leader who was so completely unqualified by experience or any other measure to be the leader of his country” and the result was destruction of the country. Those people were enamored by their slick “con” man then also. Does this not sound like the writer was referring to Obama?
Actually these words were written by Winston Churchill (whom Obama hates) about Adolf Hitler. Mr. Churchill was the man most responsible for preserving freedom and liberty for the world in the 20th century! The quote could have gone on to say that he not only caused destruction of his country and others, but also caused untold millions of deaths worldwide. Leaders who are narcissists (one who believes the world revolves around him and that he can make no mistakes, because everyone else is wrong) rule as autocrats.
The people who will now be hurt most, are us, the Middle Class. A very small majority of voters have sold their souls to Obama for a “bowl of pottage” which is already rotten and will get even “more rottener” as time goes by.
Liberalism is nothing more than a temper tantrum of emotion to gain their goal and further their hate. The letter to which I am responding is a prime example of this.
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