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Community Calendar

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 years, 5 months AGO
| October 18, 2012 11:12 AM

Polson School District Meetings

Polson School District will be holding the following meetings in the month of October at Polson Schools District Office Conference Room - 111  4th Ave. E.: Oct 18, MEA/RTI Conference - No School for Students, Wonderlic Testing for Paraprofessional Applicants, 3 p.m. Oct. 19, MEA/RTI Conference - No School for Students, Wonderlic Testing for Paraprofessional Applicants, 9 a.m. Oct. 23, Board Work Session on the High School Roof and Bond Issue, 5:30 p.m. Oct. 24, Administrators Meeting, 9-11 a.m. Oct. 26, District Office Staff Meeting, 9 a.m. The public is welcome to attend any of the scheduled meetings/events for Polson School District #23.  Agendas will be available 48 hours in advance prior to meetings at or at the Polson Schools District Office 111  4th Ave. E., 406-883-6355 ext. 606.  All meetings are subject to change.


Animal Rescue Homes Needed

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office, assisted by Life Savers Animal Rescue continues to seek suitable homes for the remaining 12 cats that were part of a rescue from an abandonment/hoarding case.  The case originally involved 36 cats that were living in horrific conditions. All were rescued from the foreclosed home and staged in a Lake County building where they have been spayed/neutered, vaccinated and medicated by veterinarians. The cats are currently being cared for by volunteers with Life Savers Animal Rescue. There are 12 cats remaining in the County building and volunteers are fostering six others. Life Savers Animal Rescue is desperate to find placements for the 12 remaining cats before winter arrives. These cats would make excellent barn cats, as they are semi-social, which means that with the proper care, feeding and a little TLC they will be an excellent addition to any barn or home. We hope you will open your hearts and homes to these cats.  Please contact Linda at 883-5978 or Vicki at 883-2582, or go to our website at to see pictures.


Candidate Forum

The Big Arm Association has invited the two candidates for Senate District 6, the two candidates for House District 11 and the two candidates for Lake County Commissioner to a forum in Big Arm. The forum will be held Thursday, Oct. 18 at the Big Arm Historic School. The historic school, on 7th Street, will be open from 6:30 p.m. and will start with an informal meet and greet over coffee. The forum will begin at 7 p.m. with Paul Maurer as moderator. Each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves and will be given time to answer questions generated from local residents. We anticipate the forum will be at least one hour. After the forum we will serve coffee and dessert. Please call if you need further information, 849-6628.


SKC Lecture Series

The SKC President’s Lecture Series continues on Friday, Oct. 19 at the Arlee/Charlo Theatre on the SKC Campus in Pablo. The lecture will be held from 12 noon to 1 p.m. The guest speaker will be Susan Devan Harness, M.A., who will be speaking on the subject of “American Indian Transracial Adoption, An Assault on Indigenous Cultures.”


Polson Heart and Soul Gathering

Polson Heart and Soul project kicks off its first neighborhood gathering at McCrumb’s Barn, 33213 Finley Point Road, 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21. Fun, good conversation and free food are planned and babysitting services are available. Everyone of all ages are welcome to attend with special emphasis for those living on the East Shore and Finley Point areas. Polson Heart and Soul project is holding over 20 of these gatherings to find out what you think about Polson.  Folks are invited to engage in a friendly conversation with your neighbors, ultimately to help develop a stronger, healthier Polson while preserving the best.  You are invited to let your views be heard. The schedule of activities includes lunch from 1 – 1:30; small group conversations, 1:30 – 2:30; and sharing with discussion from 2:30-3 p.m. Come join your neighbors in visiting about the future of Polson. To help ensure adequate food and babysitting services, please RSVP by Oct. 19 to or call 250-3498.


FJBC Meeting Change

The Flathead Joint Board of Control has changed their meeting date to Oct. 22, at 11 a.m.  The meeting will be held in the FJBC office meeting room.


Non-Partisan Political Forum

On Oct. 22 there will be a non-partisan political forum held at the Polson Senior Center. The forum starts at 7 p.m. and is open to the public. Any candidate can speak at the event, but must call the Senior Center beforehand at 883-4735.



Mission NHS Food Drive

On Oct. 22 members of the St. Ignatius Chapter of National Honor Society will be “trick-or-treating” for food to donate to the local food bank.  Members will be going door-to-door requesting donations of non-perishable food items.  Collecting food for the local Food Pantry is an annual service project for the St. Ignatius High School students.  If you live in an outlying area and would like to contribute, items may be dropped off at the high school.



Pumpkin Painting 


The Polson Business Community is hosting the 2012 Pumpkin Painting Contest. Drop off your pumpkin at First Interstate Bank in Polson on Monday Oct. 22 or Tuesday, Oct. 23, anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Vote for your favorites on Wednesday and Thursday! Prizes will be awarded on Friday, Oct. 26. There are four age divisions: 0-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, and 15 and up. Only painted pumpkins will be accepted, no carved pumpkins, please.


Lecture Offered

Part two of a three part lecture entitled “The Psychology of Politics” will be offered Monday, Oct. 23 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the North Lake County Public Library. The second session will be on the subject “The Psychology of Deciding.” The event is free to the public. For more information, contact Gene at 261-1353.


Players Hold Audition 

The Port Polson Players announce auditions for the holiday classic, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at the John Dowdall Theatre. Students will audition from 4:00 – 5:15, and adults from 5:30 – 6:30. No prepared audition material is necessary, but hopeful performers will be required to read from the script and sing. Barbara Robinson’s endearing Christmas play has become an American favorite since its premiere production at the Seattle Children’s Theatre in 1982. It is the charming story of a small town’s annual Christmas pageant that is suddenly invaded by the Herdman children from the wrong side of the tracks. What ensues is laced with wit and wisdom and a sockful of belly laughs. While there are few roles for very young children, most roles will be filled by student performers, with several choice roles for adults. The show plays on the John Dowdall Theatre stage Nov. 30 – Dec. 9. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” is produced by Port Polson Players, in association with Mission Valley Friends of the Arts. 

Planning Meeting

Arlee Schools will be conducting a District Strategic Planning Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 6 p.m. All Arlee school staff, students and community are encouraged to attend.  If you have questions contact Lonnie Morin at 726-3216 ext. 4.

Library shows film

A free movie will be shown at North Lake County Public Library on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 4 p.m. in the meeting room. The event is intended for all ages and is open to the public.  Free popcorn will be served.  For more information, please call the circulation desk at 406-883-8225. The library is located at #2 First Ave. E. in Polson.


Service Council Meets

The Lake County Service Council Fall Meeting will be held Oct. 25 at 1:30-3 p.m. at the Camas Room, Joe McDonald Complex at Salish Kootenai College. This is a great chance to network, share concerns, find out about other projects, plan for future collaborations and learn about the great work that is taking place in the area.  Open to all non-profits, civic groups, service agencies, government groups and anyone else who would like to attend. We will have two presentations from groups in the area on their projects as well as a chance to consider some issues that have come forth from recent needs assessments that have been conducted.

Pumpkin Patch Bash

The Pumpkin Patch Bash will be held at the Polson High School Gymnasium from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 31. This totally free carnival is designed for families with children 6th grade and under. There will be a free family dinner, games, candy and giveaways. Don’t miss this amazing annual event which is sponsored by New Life Christian Center. For more information please call 883-2447.


Pablo Harvest Party

A Harvest Party is planned for Oct. 31 at the Pablo Elementary School from 5:30 pm. to 7 pm.  It will feature a carnival, fun, games and treats for everyone.  There is no admission charge. This event is sponsored by the Pablo Baptist and Pablo Nazarene churches. Call 675-0081 for more information.


Community Notes
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 5 months ago
Community Calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 5 months ago
Mission Valley happenings
Lake County Leader | Updated 9 years, 8 months ago