The Obama record doesn't deserve re-election
P. DAVID MYEROWITZ | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years, 5 months AGO
I have always tried to be respectful of people I have criticized in my writings, but I have had it with our current president and will not honor a dishonorable man with a title he doesn’t deserve.
First, just as he demands tax returns from Mr. Romney for the last decade, let’s have his transcripts and writings from Occidental University, Columbia University and Harvard, his SAT and LSAT scores, and his total loans as well as scholarship grants for all three schools. Liberals demanded President Bush’s grades so they could ridicule him. So let’s see Obama’s. And he brought up his loans, so let’s see how much he received in scholarships and whether his grades warranted such support.
While he has had lawyers block the release of any of these records, we do know a few facts. One, he graduated from Columbia without honors which means his grade point average was less than 3.3. We also know that the average GPA at the time for entrance to Harvard Law was 3.8 ro 3.9. Affirmative action or worse? We also know he had heavy drug use in high school (his own admission in his book) and college (from a college roommate). We do know that he had a connection with a Saudi prince who put pressure on Harvard. We don’t know how he got into Harvard Law Review (a very high honor accorded the upper 10 percent of students), but we do know that the method of election was changed around that time so that grades were not the primary mechanism of selection for half those chosen. Likewise, election of president of the Law Review was changed from the most scholarly to a popularity contest. We have no examples of his writing for the Harvard Law Review, apparently quite unusual for his position.
Second, his “work” career is a sham. Unlike most of his fellow Harvard Law Review graduates, he did not clerk for a prominent liberal judge or Supreme Court Justice. Joining a law firm in Chicago, he spent most of his time according to one of the firm’s partners writing notes for his book. He refuses to release his billing records or any briefs written while at the firm. His frequently cited position as professor at the University of Chicago Law School is also a lie. He was a lecturer, teaching a course for the law school. I WAS a Professor and Obama was NO professor. His use of the title itself indicates a lack of honesty.
He also administered, along with his friend convicted terrorist Bill Ayers, a $50 million Annenberg Foundation grant to improve a few dozen Chicago public schools. After spending all the money, there was no measurable improvement; in some cases performance declined. His lackluster early career is only eclipsed by his legislative careers both as an Illinois state senator and U.S. senator, both of which are well documented with little sponsorship of legislation (other than those bills “given” to him by other legislators to advance the personable young African-American’s career) and his most frequent vote of present, failing to take a stand to avoid future criticism.
Finally, I am really, really tired of listening to Obama blame someone else (Republicans, President Bush) for everything not going his way while at the same time taking credit for anything that does go well. In my opinion, he has been given way too much credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden. First, since Obama doesn’t capture terrorists to gain intelligence from them, where did the information on bin Laden’s location come from? I’ve read that the identity of the messenger who led to bin Laden’s hiding place was obtained through those evil interrogation techniques of the Bush administration. Don’t have to worry about that source anymore... Obama’s taken care of that.
How long did the military analyze and plan the raid before interrupting Obama on the golf course to don a sports coat over his golf shirt and come to the Situation Room for the final decision? How dare he take credit for this action (using the word “I” multiple times before mentioning the Seals who successfully accomplished the mission) and use it for a political ad for his reelection? “I can report... I directed... I was briefed... I met repeatedly... I determined... at my direction... I called...”
As John McCain said, complaining of the unseemliness of Obama taking credit for giving approval of the raid, “I have served in the company of heros and you know about heros... they don’t brag.” John McCain is a true hero. And really, the Obama campaign asks Bill Clinton, the very man who turned down at least three chances between 1998 and 1999 to get bin Laden which would likely have prevented 9/11, to voice over an ad telling us how brave our president was to approve the bin Laden mission? And, even worse, that if it had failed, if the Seals had been killed or captured, “The downside would have been horrible for him.” FOR HIM? FOR HIM? FOR OBAMA? What about the dead or captured Seal team? How would the downside have been for them?
What did Obama say to the intelligence community after squandering much of the impact of the intel obtained during the bin Laden raid by announcing we had it including the locations of safe houses, making the information useless?
Did Obama take credit for losing our most advanced drone technology to Iran, soon to be shared with Russia and China? Did he make the “bold call” to blow up the drone rather than having it land and be captured? Or did he believe that his close personal relationship with Ahmadinejad would lead to its recovery?
Where is the liberal press giving us a body count (as they did with President Bush) of innocent civilians killed in his drone attacks? Let Obama take credit for those also.
I have heard the multiple apologies to the Afghan government and people for our acts, but where are the demands for Mr. Karzai to apologize for the killing of our troops by his corrupt security forces. Twenty-one fatal attacks last year killed 35 coalition service members (they don’t even report attacks resulting in woundings or misses which are even more plentiful) compared to four attacks with four deaths total in 2007 and 2008 combined.
If Obama wants to be a hero, let him put forward a budget that will REALLY cut our debt and deficit with REAL changes to Medicare and Social Security like Sen. Coburn (who just happens to be a doctor, not a lawyer like most senators and congressmen) has recommended. Let him actually eliminate some of the redundant and non-functional federal agencies as he promised in his last campaign.
While we’re being honest, remember all the criticism of Bush vacations for a month in Texas? How many months of vacations, campaign events and golf matches has Obama had? Let me help. By May 2012 he had already held 124 reelection fundraisers compared to 94 combined for former Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush. How much have those cost the American taxpayers along with 30 rounds of golf a year, vacations in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard, the date nights in New York and the Spain vacations for the Mrs.?
Obama reads a good script. Hopefully in January 2013 he can begin his next career as an actor, a position he is much more qualified for than president. He would be perfect in a film about political lying and deceit, such as George Clooney’s “The Ides of March”!
Myerowitz is a resident of Columbia Falls.
Inter Lake too tough on Zinke?
I am not for wasteful government spending, but does the Daily Inter Lake need to parrot the Associated Press’s repeated assaults on Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s air transportation spending ... and putting this garbage on the front page? After the liberal media got rid of HHS secretary Tom Price for using excessive charter flights, I’m sure they figure this is a way to get rid of most of the president’s Cabinet, not that any Democrats ever abused this privilege!
Was Obama team working to undermine Trump transition?
WOW! Can this piece-of-work we call the Congress and the drive-by media be any more pathetically one sided? Can their emphasis on character assassination and process overshadow the truth any more than they have obfuscated the truth thus far?
Creative problem-solving needed in Glacier Park
So Glacier National Park is considering a “one car in, one car out” policy at venues on dead-end roads such as Bowman Lake due to overcrowded parking causing a “safety issue.” I wonder how often emergency vehicles have had a problem getting to where they were needed at the lake. Not to mention that it seems to me a helicopter would be more useful in providing timely intervention and not be affected by overcrowded parking. My guess is that there are fewer than 50 parking spaces (excluding the campground itself) for the whole site, including people parking for multi-day backcountry hiking.