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Community Calendar - April 18

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 11 years, 11 months AGO
| April 18, 2013 11:42 AM

Food for Fines

North Lake County Public Library in Polson is offering its traditional Food for Fines during National Library Week, April 15 through April 20. Patrons with overdue items or fines on their cards are encouraged to bring one item of canned or packaged food to the circulation desk for each book/CD/DVD, etc. that is late. Fines will be waived. Forgiveness of fines does not include lost or damaged items. All food contributions will be donated to the Polson Loaves and Fish Food Pantry. North Lake County Public Library is located at #2 1st Ave. E.  Call 883-8225 or go to for more information.

Polson School Board

The Polson School Board of Trustees has scheduled a special board meeting for Thursday April 18, at 5:30 p.m. in the Polson Schools District Office (111 4th Ave. E.).

PFI Cowboy Ball

Polson Fairground Inc.’s 23rd Annual Fundraising Banquet and Auction, the Cowboy Ball, is coming up on Friday, April 19. The event kicks off at 5:30 p.m. For information, donations or tickets, call 883-1100. More info is available at

Valley View Women’s Club

The Valley View Women’s club will be having a workday at the Valley View Clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road, Saturday, April 20, at 10 a.m. Bring gloves and rakes; we will be doing yard work and work inside the building (flooring in bathrooms needs to be done, anyone with experience that could help, it would be greatly appreciated). This is a good community service project for groups. Please bring a sack lunch. Our monthly potluck is Sunday, April 21, at 5 p.m. Bring a potluck dish. The rural fire department will be speaking. Call Kelly Bailey with questions at 883-2910.

Stuffed Animal Drive

Ronan High School’s National Honor Society is hosting a Stuffed Animal Drive to help support our local Sheriff’s Office and Tribal Police Department. The stuffed animals donated will ride along with the deputies and officers and be given to children in situations that are scary or frightening. The stuffed animals give them comfort and a feeling of security in this time of need. If you would like to donate, drop off any stuffed animals to Pablo Foods/IGA, Ronan Harvest Foods, Mission Mart, Community Bank, Valley Bank or any Ronan School District school or the District Office. The boxes will be on site  through April 24. If there are any questions, call Heather Holmlund at Ronan High School, 676-3390, ext. 3506.

Charlo School Board election forum

A Charlo School Board candidate forum will be held Thursday, April 25, at 6 p.m. at the Charlo school cafeteria. The public is welcome to come and hear the candidates answer questions from the community. Question boxes can be found at Charlo Grocery, Coulter’s and the high school office. Questions will be accepted until April 22.

Living History at the Big Arm School

The Historic School in Big Arm will host “Mrs. Woody’s Trunk full of Memories” with Jennie Pak on Friday, April 26, at the monthly potluck. Social time starts at 5:30 p.m., potluck at 6 and the living history presentation at 7. The presentation is free and open to the public. Partial funding for this Humanities Montana Speakers Bureau program is provided by a legislative grant from Montana’s Cultural Trust and the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, call 849-6628.

SKC Hosts Speaker

On May 1-2, the SKC Social Work, Education, Psychology and Nursing departments will host a visit by Dr. Eli Lebowitz, Yale Child Study Center and Yale University. Lebowitz will speak at the SKC President’s Lecture Series on Wednesday, May 1, on “Challenges and Innovations in Childhood Anxiety Disorders.” The lecture is at noon in the SKC Arlee/Charlo Theatre. From 2-6 p.m. on May 1 in the Late Louie Caye Building on the SKC campus, Lebowitz will lead a workshop entitled “Anxiety Disorders and Trauma in Childhood and Adolescence:  An Overview of Assessment and Treatment.” Contact Co Carew (406-275-4953 or at for information and to register. The free afternoon workshop is limited to 20 participants. On Thursday, May 2, at 11:30 a.m., the SKC Education Department will offer a presentation on “Historical/Generational Trauma and Resiliency and Healing from Trauma.” It will take place in Room 115 of the new Education Building on the SKC campus across from the Silver Fox Golf Course.

Ronan High School Drama Department

The Ronan High School Drama Department is headed right into performing another play “You Can’t Take it With You” on April 26-27 at the Ronan Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Tickets will be available at the Ronan Flower Mill or at the ticket office the day of the plays. This comedic play was first performed in 1936 and in 1937 won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Come join us!

Filling Vacated Trustee Position

The Polson School Board of Trustees is asking for letters of interest from parties wishing to serve on the Polson School Board as a trustee for the Polson School District. Any person assuming this trustee position under the provisions of MCA 20-3-309, section (3) shall serve until the next regular school election to be held in May 2014. All letters of interest may be submitted to Pam Owen, Business Manager, on or before 3 p.m. on Friday, May 3. The board will review all letters of interest and the position will be filled at the regular board meeting to be held on May 13. Please call Pam at 883-6355, ext. 602, if you have any questions. Letters can be delivered to Polson School District, Attn:  Pam Owen, 111 4th Ave. E., Polson, MT  59860.

St. Ignatius Schools Community Showcase

St. Ignatius Schools will be hosting their annual community showcase on April 25. The evening begins with complimentary spaghetti feed from 5 to 6:30 in the Multi Purpose Room in the elementary school. A wide variety of displays, Senior Project presentations, activities and presentations from all curricular areas will run from 4:30 to 7:30 in various locations throughout the elementary, middle and high schools. All community members are cordially invited to attend.

Earth Day Celebration

Celebrate the 5th Annual Community Earth Day Celebration – Walkers, Bikers, Runners & Rollers! Saturday, May 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be located along the Highway 93 Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Ronan, Pablo and Polson. There will be checkpoints along the way to get your passports and stamps. Three stamps on your passport will get you a delicious “Made In Montana” lunch. Bike Safety Course, bike maintenance and lunch culminates at the Joe McDonald Activity Center on SKC campus. Checkpoint stations will provide healthy info and a variety of giveaways. For more information on this Healthy Earth/Healthy Me event contact Jennifer at 531-3888, Margene at 745-3525 or Janet at 644-2488.

Cheerful Heart, Inc.

Cheerful Heart Inc. sponsors a support group for anyone who has dealt with or is dealing with cancer, including patients, survivors and caregivers. The group meets from noon to 1 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at the United Methodist Church, 301 16th Ave. E. in Polson.


Community calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 11 months ago
Community Calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 5 months ago
Community calendar
Lake County Leader | Updated 12 years, 10 months ago