Caves and trails east of Bend beckon during winter
DAVID JASPER/The Bend Bulletin | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years, 2 months AGO
BEND, Ore. (AP) - Envy isn't healthy, but it probably best describes the feeling I used to get whenever I left Bend to recreate along Cascades Lakes Highway. As I drove along, I'd take in the houses of the lucky few who lived in developments along Bend's southwest edge, resentful of their quick access to fun.
However, once I added running, mountain biking and writing these outing stories to my life a few years back, my thinking began to shift, to the east, to be specific.
Come winter and spring, the opportunities for fun migrate east, and that's when I thank my stars I live a mile from China Hat Road.
At some point over the long Thanksgiving weekend - during which I hiked, ran and explored caves in the China Hat area four times in three days - it dawned on me that China Hat and its offerings are sort of like a mini Cascade Lakes Highway, or maybe a fun-house mirror version of it.
Their high-use seasons are flipped. Summer and fall are busiest along the Cascade Lakes Highway, winter and spring along China Hat Road.
Summer along the Cascade Lakes means people swimming in lakes, loudly dressed cyclists grinding their way up toward Mount Bachelor, preternaturally fit ultra-racers running trails. The warm months also mean South Sister summiters, couples tandem kayaking, horseback riding, mountain biking, etc.
Of course, there are people who continue using both areas year-round, but winter and spring in the Cascades winnows usage down to snow enthusiasts heading to the hills for snowmobiling, sledding, skiing and boarding.
For those who want to keep trail running, mountain biking and horseback riding once snow descends west of Bend, winter means heading to places like the Badlands, Horse Ridge and the China Hat Road area.
Out east, cold temperatures and moisture combine to firm up the otherwise dusty singletrack of Swamp Wells, Boyd Cave and Coyote Loop trails. On a busy weekend, you'll see at least one Subaru or SUV parked along every forest road, presumably people out strolling with their dogs or otherwise exploring new pathways to fun. All the while, gun enthusiasts provide a soundtrack at nearby Coyote Butte.
On Thanksgiving Day, I parked along Forest Road 1815 and took a 6-mile run on trail 3962 toward Boyd Cave, sharing the singletrack with my dog, Kaloo, and the occasional mountain biker, but not many others. A quarter mile out from where I parked, the pine and junipers thin out, giving way to an old burn area that provides ample sun for its fans.
Sunshine was abundant, so much so that I began losing layers, literally; if anyone finds a black glove out there, it's mine.
On the drive home that warm and windless afternoon, I made a mental note of Bessie Butte. Located in another area that's been burnt by forest fire, Bessie is an easy-to-reach alternative to crowded Pilot Butte.
"I know," I thought to myself. "I'll get everyone to hike up Bessie after dinner."
Our kids have become sudden, but resolved vegetarians, so after we ate veggie lasagna in place of our traditional fare, I suggested that hike to watch the sun set.
It was already pushing 4 p.m. as we drove to Bessie Butte, the trailhead and much of the trail already in deep shadow. After maybe 15 minutes ascending the three-quarter-mile trail, we were afforded views of mountains from Bachelor to Hood, lit by the setting sun.
There were ripples of complaint on the way up, sure, but also thoughts of the far easier walk down and a warm apple pie waiting at home.
My daughter Lucy and I set out the next morning for Boyd and Hidden Forest caves.
As we drove up to the Boyd Cave parking area, a family was descending the steep staircase that provides access to the cave, a somewhat surreal sight.
The staircase into the 1,900-foot-long lava tube is heavily dented, presumably from rocks falling on it.
Many caves out here are restricted for bat habitat and resource protection. Nearby Skeleton Cave is open only to commercial tours, and Wind Cave is closed year-round.
As Scott Cook notes in "Bend, Overall," the first five minutes of Boyd Cave are good for a quick look that doesn't require crawling, and that was our plan. Even a quick jaunt leads you by rock pileups, across smooth, sandy stretches and other sights - provided you remember a flashlight or headlamp. The temperature is chilly, too, so also plan on wearing a coat and gloves. Sturdy footwear is also recommended, as there are spots where you'll scramble from one lava gutter to another as you search for the easiest path.
Just over 3 short miles away is the trail to Hidden Forest Cave. Though we'd been here before, we relied on Cook's accuracy to lead us down the correct forest road, 300, located exactly 3.1 miles from where the Boyd Cave turnoff. Do not be fooled by the more prominent Forest Road 1820, which you'll see at the 3-mile mark. You've been warned.
Forest Road 300 terminates at about the half-mile mark, right at the mouth of Arnold Ice Cave. As always, we approached with caution, as the north-facing opening sees little in the way of sunlight. Only this time, the ice - which during the early 20th century was harvested - had receded out of sight. We could see quite a bit of the old staircase, but its useful days are long gone.
We soon headed back uphill to the main trail leading to Hidden Forest Cave, a five-minute walk south on a well-used trail. You'll see two smaller pits first, but you'll know Hidden Forest when you get to it. If you continue walking straight, the trail will eventually wrap around to your right, affording an easy enough walk downhill and onto the floor of the collapsed lava tube, the temperature dropping as you go.
Hidden Forest gets its name, I'm going to guess, from the large ponderosas growing out of its floor about 30 feet below the surrounding forest.
This time we skipped bringing headlamps down into the cave. A beam of sunlight warmed us as we stood in the rocky clearing before making our way up, out and back to the car.
Days later, I made still another trip out China Hat way, returning to trail 3962 in search of my lost glove. I didn't find it, but it was mostly just an excuse to get back to run on a sunny stretch of trail.
Wilderness lakes offer escapes from the masses
BEND, Ore. (AP) - With so many recreation-minded visitors descending on Central Oregon this summer, I'm almost hesitant to point this out: Besides Sparks, Elk, Cultus and other popular, crowded, bustling lakes, there are hundreds of named and unnamed wilderness lakes for the taking.

Caves and trails east of Bend beckon during winter
BEND, Ore. (AP) - Envy isn't healthy, but it probably best describes the feeling I used to get whenever I left Bend to recreate along Cascades Lakes Highway. As I drove along, I'd take in the houses of the lucky few who lived in developments along Bend's southwest edge, resentful of their quick access to fun.