Let's be mindful of pets as gifts during this time of year
Dr. Fred Conkel | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years, 1 month AGO
At the time of the year when new pets may arrive under the tree as gifts, we must give special consideration to the habits and concerns of cats.
A cat taken to a new home environment may try desperately to find his old home since he often feels “kidnapped” or “cat-napped.” So, when we bring a new kitten home or when we take our old pet with us as we move to a new home, we need to make sure that the cat doesn’t have the opportunity to run off in search of his old abode.
Be vigilant as the kitten tries to get accustomed to its new home well in into the new year.
This means that we may have to keep the cat confined to the house or garage for a couple of weeks while it gets used to its new surroundings. During this time, we should give the animal all the attention that time will allow. It is important to play with them in all accessible areas while they get over his new fears. When we let the cat outside, we should be there to watch it for the first few times in order to limit its roaming. If we take these precautions, our cat is more likely to come home from its first big day out.
(Dr. Fred Conkel is veterinarian at Westside Veterinarian Clinic.)
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Let's be mindful of pets as gifts during this time of year
At the time of the year when new pets may arrive under the tree as gifts, we must give special consideration to the habits and concerns of cats.