Thursday, March 06, 2025

Chiefs send 3 to state choral competition

Herald Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 12 years AGO
by Herald Staff WriterCHERYL SCHWEIZER
| February 7, 2013 5:05 AM

MOSES LAKE - Three Moses Lake High School choral students advanced to state competition, and three others and the girls choir qualified as first alternates at regional competition, held recently.

Senior Gavin Rummler and junior Madisyn Lybbert won the small group mixed vocal competition, while Lybbert and senior Holly Tye won the girls solo small group. Tye won the mezzo soprano solo competition.

Competitors have their choice of entering solo performance, duets, boys or girls choirs of various sizes, and mixed groups. "They judge you on your posture, your vowels, your diction and your dynamics," said sophomore Amanda Lance, who sang in the soprano solo category.

Singers choose their music from what sophomore Michael Leoffler characterized as classical folk music, also known as art songs. Rummler and Lybbert chose a duet from the classic opera "The Marriage of Figaro."

Actually, "she (Lybbert) picked the music," Rummler said.

"I love opera. I want to be in an opera in New York. Someday," Lybbert said.

Performers pick at least two numbers, she said, and they should focus on the singer's strength and demonstrate their range. That was especially important for Rummler and Lybbert; he sings bass and she's a soprano, two voices that aren't usually blended.

Freshman Claire Phipps qualified as first alternate in mezzo-soprano competition. Senior Jayne Goodrich is the first alternate in girls solo alto competition, and senior Taya Sandman is the first alternate in girls solo soprano competition.

The girls large chorus also qualified as first alternate. It includes Haley Manly, Breann Bleazard, Rebecca Waites, Molly Hammer, Hailey Morrison, Jasmine Palmer, Courtney-Jo Gilliland, Angela Babak and Christiane Phillips.

"It was a good showing," said instructor David Holloway. State competition will be April 26 and 27 at Central Washington University in Ellensburg.


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