The many shades of racism, some of which don't count!
P. DAVID MYEROWITZ | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years, 7 months AGO
I am confused about the liberals’ and their drive-by media supporters’ definition of racist and racism as reflected in recent events. Having attended a predominantly black inner-city high school, and having been beaten up and had possessions stolen from me during those years, I think I know a tad more about race relations than many Montana liberals.
A cooking show host is excoriated for admitting that she used the “N word” 30 years ago (only blacks are allowed to use this word and do so with regularity if you can stomach the garbage called rap music) — that’s right, she uttered the word three decades ago. For this ancient transgression she is painted a racist and all of her weak-kneed sponsors run for the exits. Don’t believe for one minute that this exodus is because of moral outrage — it isn’t. Rather, some consultant has told the CEOs that they will get bad publicity and lose money if they continue to hawk her stuff. No amount of crying or apologizing will work, for she is a white Southerner and we all know that white Southerners are all racist.
Which brings me to my second point. The Supreme Court voided a 50-year-old civil rights law that forces a number of Southern states and localities to get approval for any proposed election changes. And from whom do they have to get permission? A supposed race-neutral Justice Department led by an incompetent black man who has proclaimed that only minorities can be victims of voter discrimination (If you don’t believe me, read “Injustice,” by a former member of Eric Holder’s Justice Department, Christian Adams), and who has refused to prosecute numerous examples of black-on-white voter intimidation as a result of his philosophy.
Now add a statement by a black Georgetown professor on MSNBC about Justice Clarence Thomas who voted with the majority: “... Clarence Thomas’ actions here today, though consistent, though tragic to me, are even more so in light of the bulk of decisions he’s rendered in the name of a judicial vote on the Supreme Court. A symbolic Jew has invited a metaphoric Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide upon his own people.” Hyperbole? You bet. Black-on-black racism? I think so. If you think not, just imagine the uproar these words would have caused if uttered by a white man!
Finally, I would point to the interesting trial in Florida. I suspect George Zimmerman got in over his head when he decided to be a hero and stop someone acting suspiciously in his neighborhood. In fact, there had been at least eight burglaries and home invasions over the previous 14 months which had rattled this half-black and -Hispanic and half-white gated community and prompted the formation of a neighborhood watch.
George Zimmerman is half Hispanic and half white. The victim, Trayvon Martin, was black. While brown and black skin colors are often combined as minorities, Zimmerman’s half-white heritage (funny, isn’t Obama half-white?) pushes him into the racism of white vs. black. According to the prosecution (and much of the drive-by media), Zimmerman was after Trayvon Martin BECAUSE he was black. Not because he was tired of burglars ravaging his supposedly safe gated community or feared for his and his wife’s safety ... of course not. He is a racist, clear and simple.
Interestingly, Martin’s girlfriend testified that Trayvon Martin told her by phone shortly before the altercation that a “creepy ass cracker” was following him. Kind of like calling a white person a “honkey.” As with voter intimidation, racism only goes in one direction — white on black. I guess Trayvon didn’t recognize George’s Hispanic half in the dark when he called him a cracker. Otherwise he might have said that a “W word” (pejorative for those of Mexican origin) was following him.
Zimmerman’s heritage seems pretty obvious to me from TV interviews I’ve seen. No matter. As I’ve said, Zimmerman was half white and when the supposed victim is black and we’re throwing the race card, white is the only half that counts.
If you’re confused about all this color and racism stuff, just give Attorney General Holder a call. I’m sure he can explain it to you ... in a legal sense. Unless, of course, as many members of this administration, he can’t remember and has no responsibility ... for anything.
Myerowitz is a resident of Columbia Falls.
Inter Lake too tough on Zinke?
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Was Obama team working to undermine Trump transition?
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Creative problem-solving needed in Glacier Park
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