Reader warns of dangerous dogs
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 11 years, 8 months AGO
On Friday May 31, three dogs came on our property and killed our cat. The reason this is a story is because the people who own the dogs have been asked to keep their dogs home (they have 29 acres) because not only do they go after our cats, they have come at us and others who come here.
The owner's response to finding out that their dogs killed our cat and our telling them that if the dogs come on our property again, they will be shot was that there is no leash law in Grant County and her dogs had a right to go where ever they want to go.
I know dogs well; we have five ourselves and foster dogs. These dogs are dangerous dogs who will attack people as well as pets. These dogs are not pit bulls but are husky mixes and a Saint Bernard. We only hear and read about the pit bull dogs, but think what it was like for me at 75 years of age kneeling in the garden planting tomato plants, to have the St. Bernard coming at me snarling and barking and barely making it on my feet in time to grab a shovel to threaten the dog with. This was my first encounter with that dog a year ago. He has pinned me several times and has tried to even come onto our deck to get me.
Now I am told that it will take a year for the prosecuting attorney's office to do anything about these dogs. I think that this lack of concern about dangerous dogs and not ruling right away that they can no longer be roaming freely is wrong.
We will shoot if they are on our property again as we do live in fear of them. Please let people know that dangerous dogs are caused by people who want a dog but do not take the responsibility of that dog or dogs. It is not a breed of dogs that make them dangerous; it is the people who do not take the responsibility for their pets.
Pat Anderson
Moses Lake