Upcoming opportunities for local artists
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 12 years AGO
Miniatures deadline extended to March 23
The Hockaday Museum of Art has extended the application deadline for its annual Benefit Auction of Miniatures.
The original deadline was March 16, but the museum is giving artists until Saturday to submit works.
The auction is a popular event that benefits the museum’s exhibition and education programs. The annual event is scheduled for May 17.
To apply, visit www.hockadaymuseum.org and look under the “Artist Opportunities” tab. Artists may submit one 9- by 12-inch framed or one three-dimensional piece of art.
For more information, stop by the museum at 302 Second Ave. E., Kalispell, or call 755-5268.
Plein Air Paint Out deadline nearing
Artists have until March 30 to submit applications for the Hockaday Museum of Art’s Plein Air Paint Out.
The sixth annual event gives 15 artists the opportunity to paint outdoors in parks and state or national wilderness areas within a 50-mile radius of the Kalispell museum. Each artists will bring two pieces of their choice to the museum June 22 for the Plein Air Part and Sale.
After the party and sale, the artwork will be on display at the museum. If one or both pieces sell at the party, artists may submit another piece for exhibit.
Those selected to participate will be notified by April 12. The plein air painting will take place June 19 through 21.
Interested artists should submit a resume and three images representing their work. There is a $25 nonrefundable application fee.
For more information, visit www.hockadaymuseum.org.
Artists, craftsmen wanted for Arts in the Park
Arts in the Park, one of Northwest Montana’s longest-running annual arts and music festivals, is fast approaching. Artists interested in participating should apply no later than April 5.
The event takes place July 18 through 21 at Depot Park in downtown Kalispell. More than 100 juried art and craft booths, food and specialty booths and live music and entertainment are part of the annual event.
Arts in the Park is open to all artists and craftspeople, with some exceptions. Soap and food items are not accepted; nor are commercially made goods or work from kits or commercial patterns.
Those chosen to participate will be notified by April 19.
The event is the Hockaday Museum of Art’s primary fundraiser. Apply online at the museum’s website, www.hockadaymuseum.org.
For more information, stop by the museum at 302 Second Ave. E., Kalispell, or call 755-5268.