ADAMS: Why he's right for Cd'A
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 11 years, 11 months AGO
I can understand the concerns about Councilman Steve Adams expressed in Sunday’s editorial. But when you say: “But we respectfully ask that on issues involving federal or state interaction, he remember that he’s representing 45,000 Coeur d’Alene citizens, not a handful of bitter ideologues who feed him their agenda because they don’t have the clout to conquer the city themselves.” You are missing the point.
First off, Steve Adams was elected by a majority of those 45,000 Coeur d’Alene citizens. It may be that he had help from some pretty conservative groups, but that is because they agreed with him that the Council for some time has operated with a pretty free hand.
Secondly, what is it that Mr. Adams is trying to accomplish? He simply wants the majority of those same 45,000 people to have a vote in how their tax money is spent. Is that wrong?
It is frustrating to see the Council ignore the plain will of the people time and time again. This was clear from the issue with McEuen Field, but also in other matters.
As far as the wastewater treatment plant, the EPA is clearly wrong. So far no one has a program that meets the requirements of the EPA. And we would be spending millions of dollars just to protect a few fish in Long Lake. Since this in not proven technology will the EPA refund our money if it turns out that removing more phosphorus does not solve the problem?
Mr. Adams understands that the EPA often has outlandish and unreasonable requirements and that the EPA was not authorized by Congress. So far there has been little action by the local citizens to stop the EPA. This could be a good opportunity to move in that direction. Rather than condemn Mr. Adams here is our chance to support him and reject the unreasonable actions of the city council.
Coeur d’Alene