Wednesday, March 26, 2025

EUBANKS: Questions from a voter

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 11 years, 10 months AGO
| May 10, 2013 6:15 AM

I attended the Mica Flats Grange and CEP Candidate Forums for the Cd’A School Board. I have to ask, which Dave Eubanks wants to serve as Zone 4 Trustee?

At the first forum, I saw an easy going gentleman who truly seemed to have the best interest of the students as his motivation to run. Imagine my surprise at the CEP Forum to you him become an attack dog for the union, making baseless claims against the current school board. What examples do you have of non-transparency and failure to listen? This is the most transparent School Board I have personally witnessed. What examples do you have that the current board has a political agenda? Could it be your real complaint is they made decisions with which you personally disagreed, and unlike the Old Guard, have not acted as a rubber stamp for the union? As if that wasn’t enough, you intentionally belittled the experience of your opponent, Ann Seddon, as though teaching the primary grades is somehow less notable and important than teaching shop in middle school. Did you feel that her absence somehow gave you reason to take off the gloves and personally attack Mrs. Seddon? You did not acknowledge her tutoring of students in primary through high school and her wide range of skills. Is this the behavior fitting a TRUSTee? I certainly hope not.

The Dave Eubanks I witnessed Tuesday evening crossed the line into bullying territory. I hope the voters of Zone 4 see through your “Mr. Nice Guy” facade, and choose the trustee who has proven that she is motivated to serve the children and fairly represent the taxpayers. I hope they will cast their ballot for Ann Seddon.


Coeur d’Alene


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