Community Calendar
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 11 years, 4 months AGO
Herb meeting
The next gathering of the “Thyme for Herbs Group” will be Tuesday, September 10 at 7 p.m. at the North Lake County Public Library Meeting Room (Polson) 2 First Avenue East (use the east side door).
With increased numbers of microbes becoming drug resistant and flu season upon us, we will concentrate in the next couple of months on building a healthy immune system. We will also continue our “Herbal 911 Studies” where we learn which herbs you need to have in your home and how to use them when you have a health issue. We need to plan ahead so we are ready for whatever comes our way.
Anyone interested in learning to use herbs for better health is invited to join us. Bring your questions for discussion. If you have questions please call Linda Peterson 319-2446.
Food drive
The St. Ignatius American Legion Aux. Post 106 will conduct a food drive Sat., Sept. 14 at Ninepipes Lodge. Food drop offs include: Community Bank - Ronan and Ninepipes. Call 644-2588 or 270-1079 for more info.
Valley View Potlucks Begin
The first potluck of the season for the Valley View Community will be Sept. 8, 5 p.m. Everyone welcome, you do not have to live in Valley View to attend. Bring your favorite potluck dish and come enjoy some good food and company. Valley View Clubhouse, 40762 Valley View Road. Potluck second Sunday of the month through May, unless there is a holiday then it will be the next Sunday. Questions call Kelly Bailey 883-2910.
Church dinner
Free Dinner at Polson Presbyterian Church: The September Friendship Table Dinner is coming up on September 13th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Polson Presbyterian Church is located across from the Linderman School. Come join us! This dinner is free and open to all.
Masumola Club Meeting
The Masumola Club meeting will be held Thursday, September 12th, at the Clubhouse. The social gathering begins at 5:45pm, barbecue at 6:30 and program at 7:00.
The clubhouse is located on Masumola Road. Turn onto Rocky Point off of US Highway 93 and after the 3-mile marker turn right onto Masumola Road. The clubhouse is ? mile on the right. Anyone in the community of Polson and the surrounding area is invited to attend this meeting as a guest or to join the club and enjoy friendship, meetings and interesting programs. The only requirement for new guests is to bring your own utensils and a dish to pass if you wish. For more information contact Irene Marchello at 406-883-6184.
YBCC Resumes Fall and Winter Activities
Yellow Bay Community Club members resume auxiliary meetings and potluck dinners in September. The ladies auxiliary meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday at noon starting September 12 through May 2014; potlucks are held the 1st and 3rd Saturday at 6:30 starting September 7 through May 2014.
New members to the auxiliary and the club are always welcome. Anyone interested in enjoying the friendly atmosphere of a neighborhood gathering and participating in club activities is encouraged to drop in on any auxiliary meeting or potluck. The Yellow Bay clubhouse is located on MT Highway 35, at mile-marker 18.
For more information, call Barbara at (406) 982-3064 or Shari at (406) 982-3437.
Education meeting
Lake County Democrats monthly meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18 in the Michel Building at Salish Kootenai College. The meeting will focus on a variety of education issues in Montana. The evening will begin at 6:30 PM with a social followed by a brief business meeting at 7. The program will be a panel discussion by local educators. The public is welcome, bring your questions and concerns.
Polson Fly-In
Chapter 1122 of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) will be hosting the Polson Fly-In at the Polson Airport on Saturday, September 7th and admission is FREE! The public is invited to join pilots for an exciting day of aviation activities, beginning with a pancake breakfast at 8AM. Static displays, float planes, antique aircraft, experimental airplanes. Concessions will be available.
MVCA softball
The Mission Valley Christian Academy is planning a valley wide event to have some fun, fellowship and food. On Sunday, September 15th, MVCA is hosting a softball tournament fundraiser at the Polson Cherry Valley softball fields at 2:00. Churches from around the valley (as well as any number of individuals) are invited to bring a team and join in some friendly competition. Concessions, a throwing skill and home run contest, kids games and other fun events are also planned. If you need more information, please call the school office at 883-6858.
Quilt Guild
The Mission Mountain Quilt Guild will hold it’s organizational meeting for the new year on Sept. 10 at the Terrace Lake Community Church, 35663 Terrace Lake Rd., Ronan. We will start registration beginning at 6 p.m., so please come early to start that process and to hang your show & tell. The meeting starts promptly at 7 p.m.. The officers are bringing refreshments. Everyone is welcome, see you there!
Human Rights Coalition movie postponed
The free video presentation planned by the Flathead Reservation Human Rights Coalition’s for Sept. 18 has been pushed to Oct. 2.