Milestone Announcements September 15, 2013
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 11 years, 5 months AGO
Jim and Inez Florence
67th Anniversary
Marriage made in heaven!
Jim and Inez Florence will be celebrating 67 years of marriage on Sept. 17, 2013, as Jim tells the story it is easy to see why they believe their marriage was made in heaven.
You see they were both born during the Great Depression that hit the USA in the late 1920s, in a little town in Oklahoma. At that time there was no radio or television, so during the summertime all the churches one Saturday each month would gather and have dinner on the ground at the city park. The children would all run and play as the adults would take turns representing their church by singing from a platform. This also was a great time to visit and make new friends. The family's with baby's found sitters. This was the first time Jim and Inez were to be together as they had the same sitter for three years.
When Inez was 3 years old her mother and father went through a divorce, and as neither could afford to feed or clothe her she was sent to an aunt in Dallas, Texas, to live. This put them 500 miles apart. In 1935, Jim's family were part of the grapes of wrath and moved to California. There the whole family picked grapes, 40-pound boxes for 2 cents a box.
Jim went to school in California and Inez in Texas, now 2,200 miles apart.
World War II came along, Jim felt it was his duty to enlist in the U.S. Navy. He was sent to San Diego, Calif., for boot training. In World War II there was no such thing as a long leave of absence, but Jim did receive a three-day pass with strict instruction not to be late returning. There was no way, Jim felt he could hitchhike 600 miles to be with family and back in time. He called his sister in Los Angeles to see if he could spend the three days with them, of course she was glad to have him. Jim hitchhiked to Los Angeles Friday afternoon and spent the night with his sister and family. After sleeping on the couch that night Jim was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper when there was a knock on the door and almost immediately the door knob started turning, it opened and in walked the most beautiful young lady Jim had ever laid eyes on, she nodded her head at Jim and continued to the kitchen where breakfast was being prepared (she felt she had no business lingering as Jim sat there in his boxer shorts). It turned out that Inez had rejoined her mother and was now Jim's sister's babysitter.
They had a beautiful three days, everything was perfect, as Jim was preparing to return to his base in San Diego he had the opportunity to speak to Inez alone for a few minutes and said to her, "It is possible that I might receive one more pass before I ship out, if I do can I call you? And come see you?" Her answer was that she would like that.
It happened that Jim did receive one more weekend pass as he hitchhiked to Los Angeles. He was very nervous, not sure how things would go, needless to say they were perfect in every way and the time flew by, this time as Jim was preparing to leave he took her in his arms and kissed her, held her tight and told her how much he enjoyed being with her. She said she had enjoyed the date very much, at this time Jim looked her in her eyes and said "Will you marry me?" She smiled at Jim and said yes, (this was on the second weekend date).
This was the year 1944, Jim was shipped out the following Tuesday and became involved in the action in the south Pacific, he was discharged March 6, 1946, and they were married Sept. 17, 1946.
You may wonder how they knew they had the same babysitter. In 1948 after they had been married two years, Jim's mother called and asked if they would drive her to a little town 50 miles from where they lived that she had an old friend who had recently moved from Oklahoma, which they were happy to do so. In the visit Inez and Gerty Cook engaged in conversation about her mother's maiden name. It came out at this time that she had been their babysitter. She told of hot summer days where she would strip Inez and Jim of their diapers, put them on a pallet and let them play themselves to sleep.
Glen and Dorothy Baeumel
65th Anniversary
Sept. 1, 1948, Dorothy Mae Gummeson and Glen Edwin Baeumel were married in a formal evening wedding at Roslindale Baptist Church in Massachusetts.
They had a wonderful 11-day honeymoon traveling by way of their 1947 Red Indian Chief Motorcycle to Washington, D.C., New York and other parts of the East Coast enjoying many interesting places.
Gien was in the U.S. Navy from Aug. 7, 1939, until Aug. 9, 1949, when he was Honorably Discharged.
After Glen's discharge from the U.S. Navy they moved to San Bernardino, Calif. Traveling and riding their 1947 Indian Chief across the United States on an extended vacation from Boston, Mass. By way of Old U.S. Highway: U.S. 66 to San Bernardino.
Gien's first job after 10 years in the U.S. Navy was with San Bernardino County Hospital as "Steam Engineer." After a few years he went to work for Kaiser Steel Corp., a basic steel manufacturing plant located in Fontana, Calif. Working in management as a foreman and instrument foreman and combustion engineer.
Dorothy was a stay-at-home wife and mother to their two sons and two daughters. They have seven grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
After 24 years with Kaiser Steel Corp., Glen retired and they moved to beautiful North Idaho residing in Coeur d'Alene. They continued to enjoy traveling by way of boat, trailer or motor home but always enjoying their time together. They have been very blessed with 55 wonderful years together!
Glen and Dorothy now reside at North Star Senior Residence Place in Coeur d'Alene.
Charles and Veleda Shaw
60th Anniversary
Charles and Veleda Shaw celebrated 60 years of marriage on Aug. 29, 2013, at their home on a beautiful afternoon with family and close friends.
The gala event provided lovely views of Lake Coeur d'Alene planned by the Shaws three daughters. All enjoyed cocktails and dinner prepared by Satay Catering.
The Shaws were married Aug. 29, 1953, at Calvary Methodist Church in Flint, Mich.
David and Katherine McKeown are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kate Alicia McKeown of Coeur d'Alene to David Petrin Ayers, son of Stephen and Mary Ayers of Coeur d'Alene.
They have lived in Anchorage, Alaska, for the past three years. Kate is a energy efficiency and conservation specialist at Chugach Electric Association. David is a pilot for Empire Airlines flying FedEx cargo planes.
The couple will be united in marriage at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013, at Q'emiln Park in Post Falls.
Maximus Allen Geary was born at 6:56 a.m. Aug. 28, 2013, to Mindy and Joe Geary of Coeur d'Alene. He weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Sisters are Jasmyne, Malley and Jadey Geary. Maternal grandfather is Tommy Little. Paternal grandmother is Laurie Geary.
Brantley Ryan Ackerman was born at 9 p.m. Sept. 2, 2013, to Christina and Ryan Ackerman of Hayden. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. Sister is Avery Lynn Ackerman. Maternal grandparents are Clark and Connie Schmidt. Paternal grandparents are Jim and Tracy Ackerman.
Air Force Airman Kyley G. Greer graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
Greer is the son of Shauna Moore of Post Falls, and Travis Greer of Coeur d'Alene.
He is a 2012 graduate of Post Falls High School.
Air Force Airman 1st Class Charles A. White graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
White is the son of Kevin White of Rathdrum, and Pauline Anderson of Portland, Ore.
He is a 2005 graduate of Centennial High School in Gresham, Ore.
Army Pvt. Amanda I. Cada has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.
Cada is a 2011 graduate of Coeur d'Alene High School.
Submit your milestones to or in person at the Coeur d'Alene Press, 201 Second St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814.
Listings include:
* Wedding anniversaries for couples married 25 years (2 photos accepted)
* Engagement announcements (1 photo accepted)
* Wedding announcements (1 photo accepted)
* Births (1 photo accepted)
* Milestone birthdays at age 70 and every fifth year thereafter or every year after age 90 (1 photo accepted)
* Generations (1 photo accepted)
* Academic honors and higher education accomplishments (1 photo accepted)
* Military announcements (1 photo accepted)
Deadline is 3 p.m. Tuesdays.