LABRADOR: Put the citizens first
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 11 years, 4 months AGO
If Americans are disturbed by the effect of Obamacare on employment, wait until they understand what House Republicans have waiting in their legislative wings. A paradigm shift has happened within the Republican Party with many becoming “corporatists” who place corporate interests ahead of American citizens.
The House corporatists are attempting, through immigration reform, to permanently and dramatically lower wages by flooding our labor markets with foreign guest workers, increases in immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Businesses are laying off employees by the thousands at every skill level while demanding cheap foreign labor. The corporatists are heeding those demands. Raul Labrador is one of them.
In the Judiciary Committee, Labrador voted for the SKILLS Act which massively increases H1B visas with minimal protection for Americans. U.S. graduates in the highly skilled areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics cannot find jobs or have been laid off.
Labrador is working on legislation to quadruple foreign low-skilled visas. Wages of the working poor have already been ravaged by decades of illegal immigration.
Labrador’s promise to secure the border and enforce immigration law changed to legalizing, giving work permits with future citizenship to illegal immigrants. He obfuscates, saying he is not for a “new” path to citizenship while honoring those who flaunt our rule of law, through fraud displacing American workers and accessing our welfare system.
Corporatist Labrador cites the CBO report which says his legislation will grow the GDP, without concern for the resulting wage devastation and job losses. Where do you think his allegiance lies?
Coeur d’Alene