Sunday, March 23, 2025

Reader asks: What is really a hate crime?

Eric Knutson | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years, 11 months AGO
by Eric Knutson
| April 10, 2014 9:00 PM

When I read the letter in the March 28 Daily Inter Lake by Philip Crissman, “Was it a hate crime? You decide,” I could hardly believe anyone could overlook the glaring double standard in the thinking of those who support Susan Cahill.

It’s okay to commit capital violence on a living and irreplaceable human being, but vandalism on inanimate and replaceable buildings and furnishings and equipment is a hate crime. I can only conclude these “hate-crime” accusers hate unborn fetuses.

And adding intellectual insult to injury, Philip Crissman evidently believes anyone who opposes abortion must also condone what was done to Ms. Cahill’s clinic. Tell us Mr. Crissman, who specifically incited the alleged vandal to commit this act? Who specifically condones committing a violent act to Ms. Cahill’s property? Tell us, and then maybe we’ll listen to you, but as it stands, Mr. Crissman, you have accused a group of people without a shred of evidence, and the double standard you pro-choicers all seem to employ about what constitutes a violent crime is startling, to say the least.

I don’t belong to the thought police, nor am I subject to them. As for hate, I’ll set the record straight in my own case. I hate the thought of committing abortion on demand and calling it an act of service. Abortion is murder, no question there, and I oppose it 100 percent. If this, in your mind, is a hate crime, arrest me or come gun me down. In the case of Susan Cahill, I don’t condone vandalism on her clinic, but after learning about her mindset, and how she flocks to the thought police for support, I hate the idea of having her nearby, and I hope she leaves the country. I owe her nothing. I saw the picture on the front page of the Daily Inter Lake of Cahill’s supporters, and I looked at them carefully so I’ll know whom to avoid.

Finishing up, Mr. Crissman, and Ms. Cahill and all you other thought policers too, if you’re looking for a reason to get mad, try this on: Romans 1:28 says, “Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” Yep, I admit it, I hate it when people try to insult my intelligence, and I’m not looking to change that. Not ever. You thought policers invent ways of doing evil, as in Romans 1:30, and if you “think differently,” then, as Mr. Crissman pointed out so eloquently, hate me if you must.

Knutson is a resident of Dayton


Was it a hate crime? You decide
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 10 years, 12 months ago
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May 1, 2018 2 a.m.

'The Trump effect' is in the eye of the beholder

As evidenced by “The Trump Effect” op-ed in the April 15 Daily Inter Lake, the hypocrisy of the anti-Trumpers is getting almost too comical to describe. As usual, the Alinsky tactics are on full display, accusing the target with no regard for truth, and most assuredly blaming the target for the same things the writer does. Donald Trump is portrayed as “...the vindictive and impulsive demagogue posing as the 45th president...” Later on, Trump is called “...a man so insecure that he has made as one of his primary objectives the denigration — or total obliteration — of the legacy of his predecessor...”, Trump’s predecessor being Barack Obama. I don’t make the charge of hypocrisy lightly, but if Donald Trump is some kind of demagogue, he doesn’t hold a candle to Barack Obama, hence my use of the term.

July 29, 2018 2 a.m.

Build the wall - and start before the midterms

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September 2, 2018 2 a.m.

Not just gays, but all, are sinners

This is a response to the Aug 19, 2018, Daily Inter Lake opinion pages, ‘In defense of LGBTQ+’, pages C7 & C8, and an article from a gay ex-minister on page C9. All of the letters were in support of the LGBTQ+ community, and addressed an earlier op-ed by Tim Adams.