VAGRANTS: Yes, it's big problem
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 years, 9 months AGO
I try to look at both sides of the humanity fence usually, but I have to agree with Shelley Williams regarding the problem with vagrants — not just downtown, but throughout beautiful Coeur d’Alene. I have been cussed at, spit at, etc., by vagrants at my bank, downtown library and area stores because I chose not to give handouts freely. What I do give is a list of help wanted ads of local merchants I collect.
All they need to do is clean up some and go apply. What they’ll receive possibly is a monthly wage that would help them in many ways including pride. Some take it, most have ripped it up in front of me saying they CHOOSE to beg with an expletive attached. If this isn’t dealt with in some way, I agree, the independent store owners will start paying the price with less traffic.
I no longer go to three stores because of this problem. Along with the harassment also comes trash and unfortunately some personal liquids left behind that can be a health problem. I hope lawfully there is an answer within our more conservative council members that can benefit all parties involved in this problem.
Coeur d’Alene