Imitation isn't always flattering
Jimmy Pappas/Guest Opinion | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years AGO
After reading Richard Fiscus's Dec. 18 My Turn column, the words of wisdom from Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" immediately came to mind; "If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools," that is exactly what Mr. Fiscus did in his desperate attempt to impress us with his sophistry and literary perversion of one of my past columns.
Mr. Fiscus substituted his own words into my McEuen Field controversy column to create a false analogy to attack the Affordable Care Act. His lack of his own words was surpassed only by his lack of common sense. To set the record straight, the main controversy over McEuen Field was that the public was completely denied a vote. In contrast, the Affordable Care Act was one of the main issues in the election of President Obama, and his presidency and agenda were reaffirmed with his second term. This is what happens when you win elections, and no amount of clever deception on Mr. Fiscus's part will change that fact.
While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I would still suggest that Mr. Fiscus take a course in English so that he could learn to use his own words instead of molesting mine.
Mr. Fiscus suggested that people like me donate directly to the Government to offset the GOP's attack on the poor. Mr. Fiscus is deliberately ignoring the fact that middle-class people like me who pay taxes have already paid our fair share! Perhaps his precious tax exempt elitists should try it themselves? Another more appropriate alternative would be for the millions of his wealthy dead-beat free riders to reveal the money they are hiding in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, and pay their due taxes like the rest of us. Three decades of stolen Middle-Class wage increases and prosperity are hiding in many of their overseas tax-haven accounts as we speak. In addition, over six million American jobs were also funneled overseas so that these same treasonous "job creator" weasels could exploit our Nation's workforce as an expendable resource free of charge, and then make us taxpayers foot the bill for their tax-free getaway to China. The GOP (their retained subsidiary) then brands any objections to this treasonous mutiny as class warfare while portraying and punishing the poor as takers and parasites.
Mr. Fiscus also attacked the President for the increase in the number of people on food stamps. Here again, a massive outbreak of Republican amnesia and denial has enabled him to reject the fact that 8 years of GOP deregulation, wars, out-sourcing, and turning corporations into people left our nation bankrupt with RECORD NUMBERS of Americans jobless and hungry. Then, ruthless hypocrites like Mr. Fiscus feel entitled to insult our President for providing food to these hard working Americans after losing their livelihoods through no fault of their own!
Just as Mr. Fiscus perverted my McEuen column, he paid the same insult to history. He actually blamed outsourcing on Clinton and Gingrich. Democrat Presidents signing repulsive trade agreements to appease and compromise with Republicans is nothing new. President Obama is guilty of this as well after the GOP killed his Anti-Outsourcing Bill. To insinuate that Democrats are the architects behind this treason and equally to blame is a bald faced lie and one of the Republicans' favorite revisions of history, second only to their adamant promise that rescuing GM would be socialism and a national disaster. Sound familiar yet?
We must never forget that Republicans unsuccessfully tried these exact same propaganda and fear tactics when Social Security was introduced. As it turned out they were dead wrong, and Social Security went on to become one of the most successful government programs ever created. Fifty percent of seniors lived in poverty before Social Security reduced that national disgrace down to only 10 percent currently. Presently, 62 percent of Seniors are demanding that the GOP keep their hands off their Social Security, while only 21 percent prefer to privatize it and entrust the free market (Wall Street) with the security of their Golden Years.
Go ahead and ask a retired Republican on Social Security what would have happened to their retirement voucher if they got their wish and privatized their Social Security when the Stock Market crashed under GWB? Their head will start spinning like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist, followed by a sonic boom which is the sound of their Dome of Denial and Delusion exploding. You might also ask any devout Republican Domestic Auto Dealership owner what their car lot inventory would look like if Romney won and let Detroit go bankrupt? I am not aware of even one of these thankless hypocrites give credit to the President for saving their industry.
There are 44 million Americans without health insurance, and 46,000 of them die every single year because so called "Pro-Life" Republican hypocrites could care less. Apparently, birth and poverty are pre-existing conditions that disqualify select Americans from being worthy of lifesaving health care. The Affordable Care Act will provide that insurance and save precious lives. Regardless, the Republicans have launched one of the biggest propaganda and smear campaigns in history by claiming that Mandated Health Insurance is evil socialism.
They shamelessly do this while their Republican controlled Legislature in Michigan just passed mandatory rape insurance for women which will take effect on March 1, 2014. Let us also remember that Mitt Romney was the fella that launched Mandated Health Care in Mass. when he was Governor. Watching Republican hypocrites demonize something they created and instituted, and then attack each other should be a wise indicator of their true character and the value of their judgements.
Nothing and no one is off limits to their attacks. Rush Limbaugh just attacked and branded the most revered Holy Man on earth - The Pope - a Marxist for commenting on the income disparities created by a worldwide epidemic of obscene and immoral greed cloaked under the disguise of Free Market Capitalism. Hopefully soon, his brand of hatred and mindless obstruction will come to a refreshing end, and our Nation can finally move forward and prosper.
P.S. Mr. Jerry Martin, I have an answer to your "Where has the Wisdom gone?" column. It is in the First Amendment to the Constitution printed above every Cd'A Press opinion page. Read it, and then consider the ignorance of your desperate attack on myself, the Press, and the editor Mike Patrick for printing an opposing view to yours.
Jimmy Pappas is a Coeur d'Alene resident.
Imitation isn't always flattering
After reading Richard Fiscus's Dec. 18 My Turn column, the words of wisdom from Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" immediately came to mind; "If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools," that is exactly what Mr. Fiscus did in his desperate attempt to impress us with his sophistry and literary perversion of one of my past columns.