Two weeks
Sheree DiBiase/Lake City Physical Therapy | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years, 1 month AGO
A couple of months ago, a beautiful woman came into my office, wondering why she was referred to physical therapy after she started radiation therapy. She had a partial mastectomy with axillary lymph nodes removed three months before and had already had chemotherapy. She felt pressure in her arm, with a little bit of stiffness when she did her hair each morning, but that was it. She thought she had no pain. She wondered why physical therapy was necessary, and what was the purpose of it?
According to Dr. Susan Love in her book, " Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book," she reports "that all mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection patients get an automatic referral to physical therapy where, at a minimum, they are taught basic exercises and also receive additional lymphedema education." Side effects of surgery and radiation can occur three to six months after treatment. It is best to start physical therapy early, to begin prevention techniques with the patients. Research has indicated that physical therapy should begin after drains are removed, or at the 12th to 14th day after surgery.
There are numerous side effects following mastectomies and lumpectomies, and this is the reason skilled intervention by a breast cancer physical therapist is needed. Some of the problems come from the surgical intervention due to removal of the axillary lymph nodes. This re-section in the armpit is the reason most of the shoulder stiffness and axillary web syndromes happen.
Loss of mobility in the tissue under your armpit is painful. Shortening of the muscles and tendons occurs as a result, and you become weak. Often you don't even realize that your arm is that stiff and weak until you are tested.
Other changes will occur in the tissue due to radiation. Radiation produces inflammation in the muscle tissue and the surrounding tissue; it is cumulative in nature, and may not show up for months after treatment. The tissue becomes thick and hard in nature, and the mobility is lost in the scar lines. Physical therapy intervention is crucial for anyone who has had radiated tissue, or axillary nodes removed.
Physical therapy for breast cancer includes a first visit evaluation for an hour with a breast cancer specialist, and then an assessment will be made and goals established for your individualized program. This process should begin two weeks after surgery. This insures that a baseline is created, and then prevention techniques can be started.
In our program, Step Forward 4 Oncology Care, we utilize a four-step approach. The four steps include skin care, specific shoulder and neck exercises, specialized massage to re-direct lymph fluid, assist in reabsorption and soften tissue scar lines, and compression therapy, which includes compression garments for your arm and chest wall and bandaging with compression, if needed.
Please do not wait to begin physical therapy with your breast cancer specialist; your long-term outcomes depend on how early you start your plan of care.
Sheree DiBiase, PT is a breast cancer specialist and is certified with the International Lymphology Association. She and her entire staff have trained with Stanford University as breast cancer and lymphedema specialists. They can be reached at Lake City Physical Therapy in Coeur d'Alene at (208)667-1988 and in the Spokane Valley at (509) 891-2623.
Four steps for breast cancer
Recently, a charming young woman named Sally came in to my office after having a mastectomy. She was sporting a cute hat and said that she had just finished chemo and was on her way to radiation oncology. She said she had surgery over eight months ago, and she wondered if she should be coming to physical therapy. She said she was stiff in the morning in her shoulders, and that one of her scar lines was thicker than the other, with a little fluid along the scar, too. Otherwise she was doing well, she thought.
Step up for prevention
Recently, a dear friend of our family had another reoccurrence with a type of women's cancer where she had to have some more of her lymph nodes removed. We were in town visiting and I thought I would get her set up with some compression wraps, compression shorts and stockings. Little did I know how complicated it would be to do such a thing in a different area of the country.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Victoria Sweet was a physician in the world of modern medicine in San Francisco, but in her book, God's Hotel, she discovered that premodern medicine had some very important concepts when it came to the power of the body to heal itself. The body appeared to have this natural force or ability to perform a magical act as it was healing itself. The body merely needed the "best" environment in order for this to happen well. In the premodern medicine world they used the natural cures, sunlight, good food, fresh air, exercise, a good night sleep, herbal remedies and the "tincture of time." They felt that as long as it had taken for the disease to come to be with a person, then it would take just as long for the person to be healed of the disease. "Vis Medicatrix Naturae," according to Sweet, is really "the remedying force of your own nature to be itself," to turn back into itself when it has been wounded.