Fight depression with a change of focus
Kelley Hobart/Alpaca Direct. | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 11 years, 1 month AGO
With the holidays behind us and winter still in full swing, many people feel the effects of the "winter blues" setting in. Last week, my daughter Lauren called me and made a comment about the gray skies, and asked me how she might combat the gloomy feeling that comes along with them.
I know that the days are already getting longer, but many people suffer with depression this time of year. This is known as SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. As a nurse, we were trained to look for depression in our patients while caring for them in the hospital. Whenever possible, we would get them up out of the bed and walking around. It was also important for them to interact with others, to feel that human connection we all need.
I told Lauren that I had not even noticed the gray skies. My focus was on knitting samples for the store, teaching others to knit, and making sure that I keep our store and warehouse well stocked with inventory. Oh..and then there's a household to run!
I believe if we keep ourselves busy and focused on our goals, how can we possibly have time for feeling the blues of winter? I remember as a child when I told my mom, "I'm bored," she abruptly pointed her finger at the door and said, "Get up and do something outside." How smart that comment really was!
When I think about times in my life where I struggled, it was usually because I was not clearly focused on the goals ahead. As soon as I took a few minutes to get clarity and write down what I wanted to get done today, next week, and next year, I simply did not have time to feel the blues!
Another technique I have used is to find someone to mentor me toward achieving my goals. A "time management" mentor I learned from years ago said it quite clearly, "Stress occurs when your daily actions do not reflect your values and goals."
What daily actions do you have planned for today? How about setting a goal to learn to knit or learn a new knitting technique? We mentor new and experienced knitters each and every day in our store. We help them finish projects when they get stuck, and encourage them to stretch and learn just a little bit more about the art of knitting. You can see the smile first in their eyes and then on their face as they finally "get it."
What a great feeling it is to knit your first hat or scarf! Come in to Alpaca Direct and we can help you, too.
We'd love to visit with you at our knitting table and help you achieve your goals during open knitting hours on Tuesday 6-8 p.m. and Thursday 1-3 p.m. If you just need a little help with a knitting problem, come in any day that we're open.
Remember..what you focus on is what you'll see. If you focus on gray, you'll see a lot of gray. Focus on your goals and you'll see them come true!
In case you have not heard about us, Alpaca Direct is a direct merchant of high quality yarn, socks, apparel and gifts. We carry a full line of fiber art accessories, including hundreds of needles and thousands of yarns. Our unique selection of products also includes Peruvian alpaca sweaters, hand-loomed lace scarves, warm alpaca socks and cuddly alpaca teddy bears.
Our building is handicap accessible, with ample parking and is easy to find. We are located on Hayden Avenue, just two blocks west of Highway 95 in Hayden.
Our store is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Visit us at 1016 W. Hayden Ave. or online at - your local destination for luxury yarn, socks, apparel and gifts.
"Like" us on Facebook and Yelp for exclusive coupons, product spotlights and news!
Kelley Hobart is the owner of Alpaca Direct.
Let your mind help you achieve your goals in 2015
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