Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Candidates' Forum

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 10 years, 10 months AGO
| May 9, 2014 8:57 AM





(EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to technical issues, we received the following Candidate Forum submissions after presstime for the May 1 issue. In the interest of fairness and providing accurate information, we are publishing these now.)


Kim Leibenguth

AGE: 50

FAMILY: Single mom with 2 amazing sons, Reno and Bryce, students at Polson High School.

INTEREST: Desire to improve Lake County Sheriff’s Office to create a place of trust and respect for each other as well as the communities in which we serve.

QUALIFICATIONS: 26 years Law Enforcement experience, ten with Lake County Sheriff’s Office. Inside knowledge of internal issues, with the integrity to make needed improvements and changes.

ISSUES: Rebuild community trust; significantly improve transparency and keep the public informed; build a stronger department with existing staff; aggressively pursue grants to help with funding.


Steven Duane Pickel

AGE: 54

FAMILY: Single.

INTEREST: Grandparents homesteaded Polson in the 20’s.  My fondest memories as a child were growing up here.

QUALIFICATIONS: My qualification for consideration is simply my current involvement in our wonderful community, but mostly my passion for our fabulous community.

ISSUES: Focus on progress and the economic growth. Grow cultures together. Grandparents and parents retired here, and I plan to. I encourage my sons and grandsons to protect “here” and help us keep “pure family traditions.”



Roy A. Davis

AGE: 64

FAMILY: Married 43 years to Mary Davis; 2 children; member of the Polson community for 40 years

INTEREST: It is important to get involved to get people elected who believe in the constitution and will fight to protect our freedoms and rights.

QUALIFICATIONS: I believe in America, the constitution, protecting our freedoms, rights, property, limited government, and free enterprise. I am a veteran and owned a small business.

ISSUES: Getting people elected who will create and work within a budget; create jobs; support small businesses; support our veterans.

Frank Mutch  

AGE: 74

FAMILY: Married 49 years to Mary Mutch. Children, William Mutch & Wendy Lobdell. 3 Grandchildren and one Great-grandson.

INTEREST: Am running for re-election to continue to serve the citizens of this unique and priceless place to live and to continue to promote Republican values.

QUALIFICATIONS: Naval Academy Graduate, Vietnam Combat Veteran, Past Rotary President, Past Polson Chamber Director, Business Owner, 4th. Generation Montanan, local for 34 years.

ISSUES: Protection of private property rights and resisting the ever increasing government control of our lives are the biggest issues at all levels of government.   Am a caring Conservative supporting State and National Constitutions and the value of every person. 


Mark A. Clary

AGE: 47

FAMILY: Father of 3 kids, 2 Ronan High graduates and 1 Ronan graduate next year.

INTEREST: I have been on the board for 12 years and we have made some great changes but we still have work to do.

QUALIFICATIONS: My experience on the board makes me a good candidate. There are policies and rules the board has to follow.  I want to see our kids get a great education.

ISSUES: School funding and the cuts to education; common core testing of our students and teaching to pass state-mandated tests; and school board communication with the community, I would like to see more parents become involved in their children’s education.


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