'Online dating' for economic growth
BRIAN WALKER/bwalker@cdapress.com | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years, 2 months AGO
POST FALLS - It's referred to as "online dating" for economic development.
The Post Falls City Council will hold a workshop at 5:15 tonight to discuss creating an interactive website with available properties and demographic information to attract businesses.
Shelly Enderud, Post Falls city administrator, said cities and regions setting up such sites is a trend to help attract companies to their backyards. The state of Idaho and the Greater Spokane Council are among agencies in the region using the approach.
"Companies generally like to see what's available electronically first," Enderud said. "They don't want to have to make phone calls first. This makes it faster for them."
Enderud said it's possible North Idaho cities could join forces on a site down the road, but Post Falls is just starting to discuss whether creating a site for its community is a good idea.
Enderud said funding for economic development outreach has been set aside in the budget to cover the estimated $8,000 to launch the program that will be discussed at the workshop. The annual renewal fee - which would include updates, hosting and technical assistance - would be $8,000.
Mayor Ron Jacobson said it's too early to tell whether such a program would be money spent wisely, as the council will hear the information for the first time.
The city contributes $25,000 each year to the Jobs Plus business recruitment agency. While that has been a great investment for Post Falls based on the jobs created, Jacobson said, the city also should explore other ways to lure businesses.
"We're not looking to replace Jobs Plus, but complement what they do," Jacobson said. "Jobs and businesses help broaden the tax base and takes tax burden off existing residents. They also breathe economic vitality into the city."
The economic development site would include information such as tax and utility rates, medical care, real estate and construction costs, transportation, unemployment compensation, climate, politics, sports and cultural amenities, crime and education.
"Coordinating and integrating a site selector with the city's online presence and internal processes such as planning, engineering and building functions will provide prospective businesses a positive and efficient experience with the city and hopefully also provide a competitive advantage in the site selection process," a memo to the city council stated.
City staff would be able to update and maintain property information.
The council is not expected to make a decision tonight about whether to implement the website.
* At the regular meeting at 6 p.m., the city council is expected to approve a staffing restructure request for the Water Reclamation Division, in which a utilities project manager position would be created rather than filling a vacant water reclamation operator position.
Enderud said the structural change would not affect the budget and would save the city in the long run from spending as much on consultants for future projects.
For example, construction management services for the Third Avenue lift station totaled more than $100,000. While a portion of such a cost will still be required for engineering and surveying, much of it would be avoided by hiring a project manager, Enderud said.
"It should both save us money and give us better oversight," she said.
Post Falls earlier approved a similar restructuring for its parks department.
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