Editor's column didn't take account of rich Republicans
Jerry Reckin | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years, 3 months AGO
Well, we got those Democrats down, so now let’s kick them!
Frank Miele’s “2 cents” column on Nov. 9 shows his myopic view of what occurred in Montana in the last election. He maligns Amanda Curtis in a subtle and not so subtle way, accusing her, among other things, of being a communist.
Mr. Miele’s last paragraph shows us how out of touch he is with reality and I quote: “My ultimate question is this — If she were truly running on Montana values, then why did Montana voters overwhelmingly support her opponent? Should not Montanans get to say what Montana values are? And if Montanans think Steve Daines represents their values better, then maybe Curtis — who after all is ‘one of us’ ought to consider adopting real Montana values before she ever thinks about running for office in this state again.”
Editor Miele I must answer your question, “If she were truly running on Montana values, why did Montana voters overwhelmingly support her opponent”? Sir, she lost the election because her opponent had millions of dollars to buy the election.
This unlimited amount of money came from billionaire donors and PACs. Are they “one of us”? I have some first-hand information and experience about “us.” Several years ago I attempted to do my civic duty and ran for the state Senate against an incumbent state senator. I knocked on about 900 doors in and around Kalispell and talked to many of “us.” I learned one thing very clearly. Many of the electorate are grossly uninformed. They do not know who is running for what office and cannot understand what the various measures on the ballot are about, yet they go to the polls and vote.
They are blasted by full page very expensive newspaper ads, constant prime-time TV commercials and highway and street campaign signs and have been told if it has an R behind the name, vote for it. That’s how elections are won. Hopefully we live in a democracy, and without the checks and balances of a two-party system, “us” lose our voice in government.
That is precisely what has happened in many countries throughout the world. Nazi Germany is one example. I read recently on the Internet that some billionaires and large political action committees are preparing to go after Gov. Steve Bullock and Sen. Jon Tester before the next election.
Finally, Mr. Miele, it is critical that we support our democracy with a two-party system to prevent our country from becoming a monarchy, a dictatorship or communistic. Let’s hold our checks and balances, uphold the two or more party system with fairly elected officials who represent “all of us” not just the rich and famous. Perhaps it is time for a third party of “us.” —Jerry Reckin, Kalispell
Walsh compliments Bullock in election
In the course of the campaign for Governor of Montana, many times the office of the Lieutenant Governor position is overlooked and not considered.
Walsh compliments Bullock in election
In the course of the campaign for Governor of Montana, many times the office of the Lieutenant Governor position is overlooked and not considered.
Walsh compliments Bullock in election
In the course of the campaign for Governor of Montana, many times the office of the Lieutenant Governor position is overlooked and not considered.