Schedule of events for WSHA Trade Show
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 10 years, 1 month AGO
Monday, December 1
8 am - 5 pm Poster Session
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Dr. Amit Dhingra, Associate Professor, Genomics and Biotechnology, Dept of Horticulture, WSU
Location: Three Rivers Convention Center, Meeting Room E
8:15 am - noon Know Your History to Advance Your Future
Session Sponsor: AgroFresh
Session Managers: Steve Zediker, WSHA Board President, Zediker Orchards
Gwen Hoheisel, Regional Extension Specialist, WSU
Location: Great Hall A
8:15 Introduction and ReCections for the 2014 Meeting - Steve Zediker, WSHA Board President
8:25 Preparing for the Next Hundred Years: On Merging into the Washington State Tree Fruit Association - Jon DeVaney, President, Washington State Tree Fruit Association
8:50 35th Batjer Address: Thirty-Fve Years of Crop Protection and Factors that will Shape the Future - Dr. Jay Brunner, Director and Professor, WSU-TFREC
9:45 The Science Behind the Crystal Ball: The Climate's Impact on Northwest Agriculture and Tree Fruit - Dr. Chad Kruger, CSANR Director, WSU
10:15 Water, Water Everywhere; How Does Everyone Get Their Share - Tracy Yount, Director of External Affairs, Chelan County PUD
10:45 Global and Domestic Trends Impacting the Supply and Demand of Fresh Fruit: Opportunities and Challenges for the Washington State Tree Fruit Industry - Dr. Roland Fumasi, Assistant Vice President and Senior Analyst, Rabo Bank N.A.
11:25 Perspectives on Marketing the Large Crops: Opportunities and Challenges - (PANEL) Moderator: Bruce Grim, Executive Director, WSHA; Panelists: Mike Taylor, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Stemilt Growers; Robert Kershaw, President, Domex Superfresh Growers
Noon - 1 pm WSHA Leadership Luncheon
Session Sponsor: Key Bank
Host: Jon DeVaney, President, Washington State Tree Fruit Association
Location: Meeting Room C
Washington Apple Commission Nominations
Session Sponsors: Banner Bank
Session Managers: Steve Zediker, WSHA Board President, Zediker Orchards
Gwen Hoheisel, Regional Extension Specialist, WSU
Location: Great Hall A
1:30 - 5 pm New Paradigms in the Field
1:30 U.S. Apple's Participation with the Washington Tree Fruit Industry - Jim Bair, President, U.S. Apple
1:45 H-2A Prospects for Any Farm - (PANEL) Moderator: Jon DeVaney, President, Washington State Tree Fruit Association; Panelists: Mark Stennes, Operations Manager, Stennes Orchards, Inc.; Sam Godwin, Owner, Box Canyon Orchards
2:15 Labor Prospects for the Washington Tree Fruit Industry - Dr. Karina Gallardo, Assistant Professor, WSU
2:45 Precision Orchard Soil Management: Technologies and Possibilities - Dr. David Brown, Associate Professor, WSU
3:15 Incorporating UAS and Drones into Your Farm Operation - Hermann oennissen, President, HTG International, LLC
3:45 A Meeting of the Minds on Orchard Systems and Production - Dr. Stuart Tustin, Science Group Leader, New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
4:25 Are You in the Know? Resources that You Should be Utilizing - Dr. Desmond Layne, Endowed Chair of Tree Fruit Extension Program, WSU
5 pm - 7 pm NW Hort Expo Social and Cocktail Hour
Must be 21 or over - Registration Badge Required
Event Sponsor: Domex Superfresh Growers
Location: Toyota Center
6:30 pm Past Presidents' Dinner
Host: Jeff Cleveringa, WSHA Past President
Location: Tagaris Winery, Richland
Tuesday, December 2
7 am WAEF First Annual Alumni Breakfast
Sponsor: Washington Apple Education Foundation
Host: Jennifer Witherbee, Washington Apple Education Foundation
Location: Board Room, Three Rivers Convention Center
8 am - 5 pm Poster Session
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Dr. Amit Dhingra, Associate Professor, Genomics
and Biotechnology, Dept. of Horticulture, WSU
Location: Three Rivers Convention Center, Meeting Room E
8 am - 12:15 pm Spanish Language Session 1
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Broetje Orchards
Session Manager: Karen Lewis, Regional Extension Specialist,
WSU Extension
Co-Session Manager: Jose Ramirez, Horticulturist, Stein-Manzana Orchards
Location: Great Hall A
8:00 Welcome / Bienvenida - Steve Zediker, WSHA President
8:15 Bee Protection: What's Your Role? / La Protección de las Abejas: ¿Cuál es su Papel? - Flor Servin, Licensing and Farmworker Education, WSDA
8:50 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Wanted: Dead or Alive / Se Busca a la Chinche Marmoleada Café (Halyomorpha halys): Viva o Muerta - Gwen Hoheisel, Regional Extension Specialist, WSU
9:10 Pesticide Drift: Cases in 2013 and Potential Solutions / Cuestiones de Deriva de Pesticidas: Casos en el 2013 y Soluciones Potenciales - Ofelio Borges, Licensing and Farmworker Education, WSDA
10:15 Break / Descanso
10:30 The Use of AgWeatherNet (AWN) for Practical Applications in Agriculture / El uso de "AgWeatherNet" (AWN) Para Aplicaciones Prácticas en Agricultura - Dr. Melba Salazar-Gutierrez, Assistant Research Professor, WSU
11:15 The Importance of Your Job for the Financial Health of the Orchard / La Importancia de su Trabajo Para la Salud Financiera del Huerto - Dr. Karina Gallardo, Associate Professor, WSU
12:00 Video Presentation: Fieldworker Orientation and Food Safety / Orientación para el Trabajador Agrícola e Inocuidad Alimentaria - AJL Productions
10:30 am - 12:30 pm Break Out Session
Sponsor: Aweta Americas, Inc.
10:30 Tractor Safety Class I and II / Medidas de Seguridad en el Manejo de Tractores - Clase I y II - Instructors: Pedro Serrano, Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Washington State Labor and Industries, and Raymundo Rivas, Safety and Health Specialist, Washington State Labor and Industries (Pre-Registration required)
Location: Great Hall B and D
8 am - noon Northwest Fruit Crops: Pears
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: G.S. Long Co.
Session Manager: Tory Schmidt, Research Scientist, WTFRC,
Owner/Operator, Dalen Fruit
Location: Meeting Room C
8:00 Welcome & Announcements - Tory Schmidt, Research Scientist, WTFRC, Owner/Operator, Dalen Fruit
8:05 2015: Updates for Fire Blight Control Programs for Organic and Conventional Orchards - Dr. Ken Johnson, Professor, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU-Corvallis; Tim Smith, WSU Extension Professor Emeritus, Regional Tree Fruit Extension Specialist
8:50 Pear Pest Management Strategic Plan: What Is It and How Do We Use It? - Bob Gix, Horticulturist, Blue Star Growers
9:00 Practical Strategies to Improve Management and Profitability of Pear Orchards - Dr. Todd Einhorn, Associate Professor of Horticulture, OSU-MCAREC
9:45 Investing in Innovation: What Pays? - Dr. Clark Seavert, Professor, Department of Applied Economics and Executive Director, Northwest Agribusiness Executive Seminar, OSU - Wilsonville
10:30 Innovation of Current Orchard Systems to Produce High Quality Pears - Dr. Stefano Musacchi, Associate Professor and Endowed Chair for Tree Fruit Physiology and Management, WSU-TFREC
10:50 Solutions for the Pear Industry Today, Foundation for Tomorrow - (PANEL) Moderator: Dr. Amit Dhingra, Associate Professor of Horticulture, WSU-Pullman; Panelists: Steve Hunt, Diamond Fruit, Hood River, OR; Alan Gro!, Bella Vista Pears, Wenatchee, WA; Dr. Stefano Musacchi, Associate Professor and Endowed Chair for Tree Fruit Physiology and Management, WSU-TFREC; Dr. Todd Einhorn, Associate Professor of Horticulture, OSU-MCAREC
8 am - noon Precision Horticulture
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Cascade Analytical
Session Manager: Tom Auvil, Research Horticulturist, WTFRC
Location: Meeting Room G
8:00 Welcome and Announcements - Tom Auvil, Research Horticulturist, WTFRC
8:10 Economic Considerations of Precision Horticulture - Dr. Clark Seavert, Professor, Department of Applied Economics and Executive Director, Northwest Agribusiness Executive Seminar, OSU
8:45 Horticultural Systems and Practices to Facilitate Mechanization in Apples and Pears - Dr. Stefano Musacchi, Associate Professor and Endowed Chair for Tree Fruit Physiology and Management, WSU-TFREC
9:20 EHciency Opportunities for Cherries - Dr. Matthew Whiting, Associate Professor, WSU-IAREC
9:55 Apple Varieties of the Future from WSU Apple Breeding Program - Dr. Kate Evans, Associate Professor, WSU-TFREC
10:15 Precision Management of Water and Nutrition - Dr. Lee Kalcsits, Assistant Professor, Tree Fruit Physiology, WSU-TFREC
10:40 "Precision Management of Chemical Thinning Starting with the Pollen Tube Growth Model" - Dr. Jim McFerson, Manager, WTFRC
11:10 "How We Use the Pollen Tube Growth Model" - (PANEL) Moderator: Dr. Jim McFerson, Manager, WTFRC; Panelists: Adam Zediker, Horticulturist, Washington Fruit and Produce; Kevin Larson, Horticulturist, Roche Fruit; Harold Schell, Horticulturist, Chelan Fruit
11:30 "Can Light Interception of Intensive Apple and Pear Orchard Systems be Increased?" - Dr. Stuart Tustin, Science Group Leader, New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
1:30 pm - 5 pm Spanish Language Session 2
Session Sponsor: Stemilt Ag Services
Session Manager: Karen Lewis, Regional Extension Specialist, WSU Extension
Co-Session Manager : Jose Ramirez, Horticulturist, Stein-Manzana Orchards
Location: Great Hall A
1:30 Sweet Cherry Production and WSU Research Program Panorama / El Panorama de la Producción de Cereza y el Programa de Investigación de WSU - Jacqueline Gordon, Graduate Student, WSU
2:00 Rootstocks: So Much More than Support / Portainjertos: Mucho Más Que Solo Soporte - Victor Bueno, Horticulturist, Washington Fruit and Produce
2:45 Growing the Tree You Need for Early Production and High Yields / Cultivando el árbol Que Usted Necesita Para una Producción Temprana y de Alto Rendimiento - Ruben Canales, Owner, Canales Orchards
3:30 Precision Management of Chemical Thinning Starting with Pollen Tube Growth / El Manejo con Precisión del Raleo Químico Basado en el Desarrollo del Tubo Polínico - Dr. Jim McFerson, Manager, WTFRC
4:00 A Healthy Employee is a Productive Employee / Un Trabajador Saludable es un Trabajador Productivo - Monica Juarez, Graduate Research Assistant, OSU
5:00 Adjourn / Suspenderse
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Break Out Session
Sponsor: Aweta Americas, Inc.
1:30 Tractor Safety Class III and IV / Medidas de Seguridad en el Manejo de Tractores - Clase III y IV - Instructors: Pedro Serrano, Hispanic
Outreach Coordinator, Washington State Labor and Industries, and Raymundo Rivas, Safety and Health Specialist, Washington State Labor and Industries (Pre-Registration required)
Location: Great Hall B and D
1 pm - 5 pm Northwest Fruit Crops: Cherries
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Domex Superfresh Growers
Co-Session Managers: Dr. Matthew Whiting, Associate Professor, WSU-IAREC, Mark Roy, Vice President, Roy Farms, Inc.
Location: Meeting Room C
1:00 Growing the Next Generation of Leaders - Michael Verchot, Director, and Wilfredo Tutol, Associate Director, Consulting and Business Development Center, University of Washington Foster School of Business
1:15 Minor Pests on Cherries and Their Management - Dr. Elizabeth Beers, Professor, WSU
1:40 Impact of Viruses on Cherry Fruit Size - Dr. Ken Eastwell, Professor, WSU
2:05 High Density SSA Plantings: How We Can Optimize Fruit Quality? - Dr. Stefano Musacchi, Associate Professor and Endowed Chair for Tree Fruit Physiology and Management, WSU-TFREC
2:30 Flash and Dash: Updates on Current Research - Dr. Matthew Whiting - Pollination Biology; Jacqueline Gordon - Mechanical Pruning; Nadia Valverdi - Early Irrigation Termination; Probir Das - Mechanical Pollination; Suzanne Niemann - Solidset Canopy Delivery System
3:00 Field Tour to Visit Two Orchards in South Kennewick - Todd Wilmoth Orchards and Pringle Orchards, Shawn Gay, owner. Buses will be provided.
1 pm - 5 pm Food Safety
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Valent USA
Session Manager: Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC
Co-Session Manger: Laura Grunenfelder, Science Policy Specialist, NHC
Location: Meeting Room G
1:00 Welcome & Announcements, "The Role of Food Safety in the Tree Fruit Industry - Past, Present, Future" - Warren Morgan, Owner, Double Diamond, Quincy, WA
1:10 The Reality: FSMA Rules Impacting Tree Fruit - FDA offcial
1:50 The Impact of Preharvest Water Application on Microbial Safety of Tree Fruit - Dr. Karen Killinger, Extension Food Safety Specialist, WSU-Pullman
2:20 Apple Growing and Packing Microbial Risk Factors and Their Potential to Lead to Foodborne Disease Outbreaks - Diane Wetherington, Managing Partner, IDS, and CEO, iFoodDecisionSciences, Seattle, WA
2:50 Validation of Packing Line Food Safety Interventions and Assessment of Sanitation Techniques of Storage Bins - Dr. Karen Killinger, Extension Food Safety Specialist, WSU-Pullman
3:20 Food Safety as a Priority - (PANEL) Moderator: Laura Grunenfelder, Science Policy Specialist, NHC; Panelists: "omas Hale, Food Safety Coordinator, Gilbert Fruit Co.; Donny Schlect, Orchard Food Safety Coordinator, Highland Fruit; Robert Peebles, Food Safety Manager, Chelan Fruit Co.
3:50 FSMA Outreach and Education - Dr. Betsy Bihn, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University, NY
4:20 The Future of Food Safety - (PANEL) Moderator: Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC; Panelists: Dr. Betsy Bihn, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University; Jon DeVaney, President, WSTFA; David Douglas, Co-Owner, Douglas Fruit Co.; Laura Mrachek, Owner, Cascade Analytical
4:50 Closing remarks - Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC
6 pm - 9 pm WSHA Banquet
Banquet Sponsor: Western Fruit Grower
Master of Ceremonies: David Douglas, Douglas Fruit Hors d'Oeuvres Sponsor:Wilbur Ellis Dessert Bu;et Sponsor: AgroFresh
Location: Great Hall D
6:00 Reception and WAEF Silent Auction, Connecting with Poster Presenters
7:00 Dinner, Awards and Entertainment
Wednesday, December 3
8 am - 5 pm Poster Session
Session Sponsor: Papé Material Handling
Session Manager: Dr. Amit Dhingra, Associate Professor, Genomics
and Biotechnology, Dept. of Horticulture, WSU
Location: Three Rivers Convention Center, Meeting Room E
8 am - noon Pest and Disease Management
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Dow AgroSciences
Co-Session Managers: Dr. Vince Jones, Director WSU Tree Fruit
Decision Aid System, Prof. of Entomology, WSU; Aaron Avila,
Grower Services, G.S. Long Co.
Location: Meeting Room C
8:00 The Evolution of Pest Management Practices - Dr. Jay Brunner, Director and Professor, WSU-TFREC
8:35 Utilizing the WSU-DAS Version of the Spray Guide - Dr. Ute Chambers, DAS Manager, WSU-TFREC
9:05 Elective Use of the Cougarblight Model on WSU-DAS - Tim Smith, WSU Extension Professor Emeritus, Regional Extension Tree Fruit Specialist
9:40 25 Years On: What We Have Learned to Optimize the Use of Mating Disruption Technologies - Don "omson, Director of Research and Development Pacific Biocontrol
10:15 Safeguarding Our Honeybees, an Invaluable Agricultural Resource - Flor Servin, Licensing and Farmworker Education, WSDA
10:50 SWD: A Five-Year Summary - Dr. Elizabeth Beers, Professor and Entomologist, WSU
11:15 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in the PNW and How Eastern IPM Programs are Evolving to Deal With It - Dr. Peter Shearer, Professor of Entomology, OSU
8:30 am - noon Roots: Foundation of Your Orchard's Success
Concurrent Session
Session Sponsor: Northwest Wholesale
Session Managers: David Granatstein, Sustainable Ag Specialist, WSU-CSANR; Dr. Desmond Layne, Professor of Pomology,
Tree Fruit Extension Program Leader, WSU-TFREC; Dr. Lee Kalcsits, Assistant Professor, Tree Fruit Physiology, WSU-TFREC
Location: Meeting Room G
8:30 Welcome and Announcements
8:35 Root Physiology and Function in the Orchard - Dr. Lee Kalcsits, Assistant Professor, Tree Fruit Physiology, WSU-TFREC
9:10 Optimal Tree Nutrition and Fruit Production Begins Underground - the Apple Rootstock Story - Dr. Gennaro Fazio, Plant Geneticist, USDA-ARS
9:45 Characteristics of Tree Root Systems - Dr. Dave Eissenstat, Professor of Woody Plant Physiology, Penn State University (video presentation)
10:30 Roots and Soil Biology: Managing the "Microherd" for Maximum Tree Performance - Dr. Mark Mazzola, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS
11:05 Orchard Management Impacts on Tree Roots - Dr. Amaya Atucha, Assistant Professor, University Wisconsin (video presentation)
11:40 Speaker Panel Q & A
10 am - 11:45 am State FFA Apple/Pear Judging
Host: Rick Adams
Sponsor: Washington Apple Education Foundation
Location: Charter HD Lounge, Toyota Center
Noon - 1 pm Student FFA Leadership Luncheon
Sponsor: Washington Apple Education Foundation
Host: Jennifer Witherbee, Washington Apple Education Foundation Speaker: Katherine M. Evans, Associate Scientist/Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, WSU
Location: Charter HD Lounge, Toyota Center
1 pm - 5 pm Honeycrisp Production, Harvest and Storage
Session Sponsor: Northwest Farm Credit Services
Co-Session Managers: Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC;
Karen Lewis, Regional Extension Specialist, WSU Extension
Location: Great Hall A
1:15 Welcome and Announcements - Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC
1:30 Market Perspective on Washington Honeycrisp - Bruce Turner, National Sales Representative, Columbia Marketing International
1:50 Learning Curve 2014 - (PANEL) Moderator: Karen Lewis, WSU Extension; Panelists: Bruce Allen, President, Columbia Reach Pack; Mike Robinson, General Manager, Double Diamond Fruit; Jim Divis, General Manager, Honeybear Growers
2:45 How Do You Measure Quality? Research and Practice - Titratable Acidity: TBD; Chlorophyll Content: Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC; Dry Matter: Chris Willett, Packing and Quality Control Manager, EnzaFruit Products Inc.
3:45 Harvest Management Via Maturation Manipulation - Brad Newman, Commercial Manager, Dow Chemical / AgroFresh, and Dr. Chris Watkins, Professor and Director of Extension, Cornell University
4:15 Storage Management to Optimize Packouts and Eating Quality - (PANEL) Moderator: Scott Jacky, Valley Fruit Company; Panelists: Dr. Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, WTFRC; Dr. Chris Watkins, Professor and Director of Extension, Cornell University