BIBLE: And the quotes continue
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 years, 3 months AGO
I find it interesting that even people who don’t believe in the Bible know certain verses by heart, i.e. “Judge not lest etc.,” and one that a man I worked under would often quote, “All things work together for good.”
Dan Gressler in Sunday’s paper seems to be guilty of a common mistake. Just as “All things work together for good,” is only part of the verse in Romans 8:18, the same applies to “Judge not lest” in Matthew 7.
Mr. Gressler seems to overlook verse 5. In it we are told when we are qualified to judge. But in reality churches aren’t judging homosexuals or lesbians or even same-sex marriage. They are only quoting what God has said on the subject.
What the Bible does say is that same-sex marriage is no worse than fornication, adultery, stealing, or any of the other commandments given in I Corinthians 6:8. Mr. Gressler doesn’t understand why churches would protest against same sex marriage. I would take a hazardous guess that EVERYONE would be in protest if the 9th circuit court would declare that God’s 8th commandment is knoll and void. It would now be legal to steal.