Sunday, February 02, 2025

FAMILY: Long may it bind

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 years, 4 months AGO
| September 7, 2014 9:00 PM

Joan Harman seems offended because of my criticism of President Obama, and I choose not to respond to that portion of her recent letter to the editor. We both believe that too many people who profess to be Christians in public fail miserably to live their lives in a manner pleasing to God.

Since we have never met, it seems a little below her usually thorough discussions to question my character, but if she wants to speculate that’s fine. My Biblical beliefs are primarily based on the New Testament which Paul calls God’s new covenant. Study needs to be followed with application. I refer to the Old Testament when I find relative subjects in the New Testament, e.g., Revelation and Daniel, but I never argue its contents. Supplementing the Bible with the Zondervan Bible Dictionary allows the reader to view the lands and cities under discussion and makes the reading more relative and alive.

Joan inferred that I may have failed to follow the letter of the Bible and in God’s eyes she is right. We all have come short of the glory of God and that is why Christ sacrificed Himself for those shortcomings.

My wife and I were both born into families with strong marriage ties and realize that some individuals do not have the benefit of experiencing that way of life.

Whenever possible, a family should be comprised of one man and one woman and their children. Social workers usually agree with the balance. I don’t dislike those who feel differently, but I do feel sorry for what they miss. My wife and I were married in a little marriage chapel that was similar to the Hitching Post, 60 years ago, while I was in the Air Force. We have been faithful to each other during that time and consider each other best friends. We were fortunate to have one son and he and I have enjoyed working together, camping, traveling, fishing, and many other father and son things. My father and I were also close; we worked together on the farm and after work would sit on the back porch, talk and watch the sun go down. I treasure those times.

In the closing paragraph of my previous letter, I wrote: “I am not against the rights of the LGBT community; however, no minister should be required to perform same-sex marriage with the threat of litigation as an alternate option.” Based on Idaho Constitution Article 1, Declaration of Rights, Section 4, I still stand by that statement.


Post Falls


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