Thursday, March 06, 2025

ISIS crisis gives president a chance to practice his strategy

Robert Seymour | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years, 5 months AGO
by Robert Seymour
| September 13, 2014 7:08 PM

Anyone remember the nostalgic days of purple finger democracy in Iraq?

The bloody hands and feet of Islamic mob rule have now replaced those purple fingers with the Islamic black flags of death over much of Iraq and Syria, ushering in a barbaric and brutal regime based on sharia law.

Soldiers captured by Islamic State are routinely gunned down in ditches like dogs, Christians executed, women raped and sold into slavery. Even children are crucified and beheaded.

Atrocities like these are not just a bad dream, they are a very real nightmare for the whole world.

When any majority has the power of life and death over a minority, you have tyranny. And yes, if you like tyranny in the Middle East, you can keep your democracy.

Just don’t confuse democracy with freedom. Voting, elections and free speech are familiar mechanisms of what we like to call democracy. But democracy is also mob violence, rioting and genocide where human rights and individual freedom do not exist.

Ever watch the wind blow up a wildfire? Democracy with no limitations will always burn freedom to the ground. When democracy is not balanced by the rights of the individual, the result is totalitarian mob rule. Freedom requires staying free from oppression to preserve both life and liberty, which is why the Founders in their wisdom included the Bill of Rights as a requisite to ratifying the U.S. Constitution.

Politically correct notions of tolerating a religion that wants to see you dead, however democratic, is both stupid and suicidal. Since the stated goals of Islamic mob rule are death and destruction to all who oppose them, Islam as such should not be afforded any protection as a religion, nor should it be tolerated in any of its murderous, malignant and misogynistic forms. Discrimination is never bad when discerning between good and evil.

How many more Americans must die before we wake up as a nation and realize the true face of this evil masquerading as religion? This enemy wants you to convert to Islam or die.

And the threat is now in our backyard.

High-level federal law enforcement has confirmed that Islamic terrorist groups are already operating in the Mexico and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other explosive devices. Yet unbelievably, a recent FBI report makes no mention at all of any threat by Islamic extremists to our nation.

Oh, but wait... the report does list “domestic terrorists” as the greatest threat instead.

A recently confiscated laptop detailing how to make bio-weapons from bubonic plague was not taken from “domestic terrorists”; it was taken from Islamic State terrorists. The laptop also contained a fatwa, or Islamic ruling, allowing for use of weapons of mass destruction against unbelievers, “even if it kills all of them and wipes them and their descendants off the face of the Earth.”

No, there’s nothing at all to worry about folks. If White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest could just earnestly remind America how Obama’s foreign policy has enhanced the world’s “tranquility,” we would at least feel much better as the world burns.

(Excuse me while I, ah... take another sip of Kool-Aid.)

OK. Sorry... Where were we now? Oh, yes, we were talking about tranquility.

While Peter Pan style tranquility is miraculously breaking out all over the globe, the grim reality is that Obama lacks the political will and moral clarity to do anything of substance to stop the Islamic State. It should have been clear enough to anyone with at least half a brain that there is a complete vacuum of leadership in the White House after Obama’s recent admission that he had no strategy for confronting ISIS.

Yes, he really did say, “we have no strategy.” You just can’t make this stuff up.

While not at all surprising, this two-for-the price-of-one statement is as shocking as it is frightening. The president just gave the enemy a tactical moral boost while at the same time declaring his own ineptitude. Perhaps the Fundraiser-in-Chief just needs a little more quality time out on the golf course away from the wife and kids.

This astounding admission by President Golf... I mean Obama... comes despite Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s own assessment that ISIS is beyond just a terrorist group and “beyond anything we have seen.”

And yet, the president declared to the world that he had no strategy to deal with this crisis. Since then he did, of course, deliver a speech, but I’m not sure that’s the same thing as a strategy. I am sure he is just waiting until after the November elections to come up with a real strategy to deal with the Islamic Sadists of Inhumanity and Satan. (Of course, only when he’s finally off the golf course and done with all that fundraising).

The Obama-induced power vacuum left in Iraq has unleashed the demons of Hell upon the world. Heaven help us if we do nothing more than a few pin-prick air strikes. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has put the West on notice that we will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq within months, unless there is “rapid” action. But then again, it’s totally understandable if the White House does next to nothing to stop this cancer from spreading.

Why should the president be even remotely presidential when he has other more urgent un-presidential things to do? Illegally bypassing the Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is far more important than anything else the Democratic Party could ever do to secure new voters. So it makes perfect sense then to encourage “dreamers” to stream across the southern border to violate what’s left of American sovereignty with impunity.

There’s just no strategy like no strategy.

Seymour is a resident of Kalispell.


OPINION: Parsing the non-existential threat from the non-Islamic State
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 8 years, 11 months ago
OPINION: Obama vs. the JV team
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 9 years, 2 months ago
OPINION: Radical Islam and national security
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 9 years, 1 month ago


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