BILE and FLUB awards: And the winners are...
JERRY and CARRIE SCHEID/Guest Opinion | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 11 months AGO
Carrie: Now that the Legislature has adjourned, it's time to announce our annual "BILE" awards. "BILE" stands for "Bad Idaho Legislative Efforts," aka the worst bills of the session.
Jerry: In fact, there was so much nonsense voiced by our state legislators this year, we created a new "FLUB" award for "Foolish Legislator Utterances and Blunders."
Carrie: The envelope please. In the "Comedy Central in Idaho" category, our first FLUB award goes to...
Jerry: Rep. Vito Barbieri! During a hearing on a bill banning doctors from using telemedicine to prescribe chemically induced abortions, he asked a doctor testifying against the bill if "a woman could swallow a camera to help the doctor determine what the situation is?" She answered that it was impossible "because when you swallow a pill, it would not end up in the vagina." Once again, Idaho made national headlines!
Carrie: Next, in the "Religious Bigotry" category, the "FLUB" award goes to Idaho Senators Steve Vick, Lori Den Hartog and Sheryl Nuxoll who boycotted a Hindu prayer at the beginning of a Senate session. Senator Nuxoll's objection was that "Hinduism is a false religion which worships false gods." Senator Vick was upset that Hindus "worship cows."
Jerry: As a retired cattle rancher, I'm fine with worshipping cows!
Carrie: Finally, in the "Up Yours" category for rough talk, the FLUB award goes to IACI's big business lobbyist Alex Labeau. He's the guy who packed eight expletives into a tirade against Sen. Siddoway and was dumb enough to send it out in an email.
Jerry: Wow, does he still have his job?
Carrie: Yes.
Jerry: Let's move onto the BILE awards. In the "Dangerous Weapons Category," it's a tie between 1) the original version of a bill which allowed anyone to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and 2) the knife bill which said the state, not the county or local authorities, should regulate knives.
Carrie: What happened?
Jerry: The concealed weapons bill finally passed after it was revised to require permits in cities. But the knife bill failed. Goes to show you, it's dangerous to bring a knife to a gun fight!
Carrie: Moving onto the "Colossal Waste of Taxpayer Money" category, the BILE award goes to Governor Otter for the $60 million IEN Broadband contract fiasco.
Jerry: Isn't that the deal where the governor's appointed buddy, Mike Gwartney, awarded part of the broadband contract to one of the governor's big campaign contributors instead of Syringa, an Idaho business with the highest score and the low bid? The courts ruled the contract was issued illegally, so the state stopped paying for those services. Now the state is being sued for millions in back payments by Education Networks of America and Century Link.
Carrie: Finally in the "Paranoid Politics" category, our "worst of the worst" BILE award goes to the gang of nine House representatives who voted to kill a Senate bill requiring Idaho to comply with federal child support payment regulations. Why? Because ultra-conservatives feared that because the U.S. is part of an international agreement for collecting child support, somehow Idaho could be forced to follow Sharia or other foreign laws regarding child support. North Idaho Representatives who voted to kill the bill were Heather Scott, Don Cheatham, Kathy Sims and Shannon McMillan.
Jerry: Seriously? The Department of Health & Welfare told them failure to pass the bill could cost our state up to $46 million in federal child support enforcement funds. That's $200 million in child support affecting 155,000 Idaho households.
Jerry: Looks like the governor will have to call the Legislature back into session to fix this.
Carrie: That's assuming they can get these legislators to come to their senses.
Jerry: I hope the Legislature remembers Einstein's definition of insanity which is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Jerry Scheid is a retired farmer/rancher and native Idahoan. Carrie Scheid is a retired nonprofit administrator. They live in Idaho Falls.
Finding money in the dark
Carrie: Isn't this year's focus for the Legislature supposed to be education and transportation? Yet the end of March is fast approaching and they still haven't figured out the funding.
BILE and FLUB awards: And the winners are...
The Con-Con
Jerry: Anything interesting going on in the Legislature?