Unleashing a laundry list against liberal ideology
MARVIN GEORGE MILLER/Guest Opinion | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 1 month AGO
Compromise — I’ve heard and read a great deal about this word for the last seven or so years. The liberals tell us that the Republicans are the problem, especially those conservatives and even more so those Tea Party renegades and obstructionists. Oh my, if only both sides could get along and get something done — compromise is the only solution, work together, then all would be well, no more gridlock, wow, so simple — why oh why can’t we just sit down and get it done?
But wait, please tell me how you compromise with someone who thinks exactly opposite from what you do? Can anything be solved? First of all, it is important to know that compromise to liberals is when they express their opinion, I am to agree with it 100 percent and wholeheartedly to boot! I’m sorry but I can’t compromise with their logic in any way, shape or form. Let’s look at some examples.
First of all, abortion. As a conservative, I feel that it is flat out murder and “dead wrong.” Liberals appear to be OK with it and are firmly supportive of Planned Parenthood-even after the horrific videos that have been released. So, just for the heck of it, let’s do a little exercise together. Let’s just “suppose” that we are given the joy of holding a newborn baby and as we look into his/her face, we thank God for this healthy child, truly a miracle and a blessing beyond words. But wait, let’s also just “suppose” for a moment that this little baby had not been wanted by the mother, that she had allowed someone to rip this little baby apart or in the case of Planned Parenthood, to harvest it for baby parts (to cut it apart) maybe a few months or a few weeks or maybe just a few days prior to his/her birth. Now, for just a moment let’s also “suppose” that we have the power to save that little baby by de-funding the Planned Parenthood abortion mill and the down right evil that they represent and we say “Let the baby live.” Well, golly, our exercise is over and the little baby is now back in the mother’s arms, safe and sound and all is well. But you know, I really didn’t care that much for this “suppose” exercise-because it makes me terribly sad to even “suppose” that such a horrible thing could even happen!! Will I compromise with liberals on this little baby’s life? No-Not Ever!
What about voter registration? I think that when you get ready to cast your ballot, a photo ID would be necessary and not a great burden for anyone-unless you are illegal. Then I suppose that would be a bit of a problem! Liberals — heh — just come on in, give us a “name” — mark your X on the “Dem” box. Done! Heh, you have your rights, this is America. Shame on those conservatives who are trying to “push you to the back of the bus.” Or to quote Joe Biden “put you back in chains.” Compromise? Nope!
Then there is man-made climate change — the most important issue in our world today (according to President Obama and the liberals). Forget about crime, radical Islamic terrorists, a divided nation, a stagnant economy, 90 million or so out of work, health insurance sky rocketing etc. I do believe that there is climate change, just as it has been changing for thousands and thousands of years. But wait a moment, the liberals have a theory, that if you tell someone a lie often enough, they will tend to believe it. Man-made climate change is a good example of that and Al Gore is a good example of that example. The climate change myth has put hundreds of millions into his coffers — follow the money trail and you’ll find a bunch of very wealthy folks. In another thousand years, I suspect that there will be the same sense of alarm (I call it B.S.) and after that, another ten thousand years of dire predictions of man-made climate change. But wait, I forgot, there won’t be a world in a few short years — we’ll all be under water! I guess when God told Noah that there would never be another flood upon the earth, He didn’t take into account man-made climate change. Oops. God made a mistake! Or did he!!? I’m placing my money on God. Compromise. Not today!
Another hot topic: gay marriage. I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. Period! Why? Because God says so and that’s good enough for me. Compromise? Sorry.
And then there is the national debt, which we are adding to at the rate of around $500 million per day. Sure sounds like a lot of money to me. As a conservative, I think we should stop spending and wasting so much. Liberals say: “Increase the debt limit, raise taxes on the rich, and spend, spend, spend.” Kind of like the mentality of the guy who was selling his product at a loss but was sure he could make it up in volume! Folks, this is not going to end well. Compromise? Hardly.
Let’s talk about Israel, which by the way is our only ally in the Middle East-period! A couple of years ago while in Israel, I bought a sweat shirt that said “Don’t worry America, Israel has got your back.” That was before we sold them down the river and threw them under the bus. Many would call it betrayal! I would guess that they may be thinking that with friends like the United States, who needs enemies? Will I compromise with liberals on Israel’s security? Not in my lifetime!
Guns — oh this is one of the President’s favorite topics. Get the guns out of those radical gun owners and the bad guys
see MY TURN, C5
from C4
will just go away. There will be peace in the valley. No more shootings. No more crime. Just peace, peace, peace!
And oh yes, cops are a problem also. “Pigs in a blanket, Fry them like bacon” is a very favorite liberal slogan out there. What a sweet country we will have when all of the guns and conservatives go away. Ummm, I wonder if my single-shot .22 will be a problem? Compromise? Not today.
There is one last item I would like to comment on — another liberal talking point. President Obama in his campaign for president (and ever since) is proud to tell us, “We need to spread the wealth around” and also “You didn’t build that, someone else did it for you.” Now, being the redneck, capitalist conservative that I am, I must confess to you that these sorts of statements cause me to stress a bit more than I really care to be stressed. So I’ve thought how to respond to this sort of liberal mindset and I would like to present a quote to you that says it all. It was written by the prominent preacher and lecturer, Dr. Adrian Rogers: “You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What a person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not take from someone else. When half of the people get the idea they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it with those who have done nothing to earn it.“ This was written many years ago. Can you imagine Mr. Rogers’ disbelief if he were alive today?
I could go on and on but I can guess you are getting my feel for compromise. It’s never going to happen between myself and liberals. When I give in to what they are preaching, I will have lost my sense of dignity. The country that I was blessed to grow up in and raise my family, the United States of America, is the greatest nation that the world has ever known. I will gladly fight for my country and I will die for my country but please be assured I will not compromise with liberalism. Period!
Marvin George Miller is a Coeur d’Alene resident.
Unleashing a laundry list against liberal ideology
Compromise — I’ve heard and read a great deal about this word for the last seven or so years. The liberals tell us that the Republicans are the problem, especially those conservatives and even more so those Tea Party renegades and obstructionists. Oh my, if only both sides could get along and get something done — compromise is the only solution, work together, then all would be well, no more gridlock, wow, so simple — why oh why can’t we just sit down and get it done?