Greyhound losing one, winning many
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 years AGO
The Idaho Legislature goofed in 2013 when it authorized the use of instant horse racing machines in non-tribal locations. These are nothing more than illegal slot machines with a misleading name. Players don't actually watch these "historic" races; the races on the machines whiz by faster than Secretariat in his wildest dreams. Therefore, the Legislature's mistake must be rectified, and smart money says it will be during the current legislative session.
But enough of the pounding on Post Falls Greyhound Park and Event Center and its manager, Doug Okuniewicz. When Greyhound installed 35 of the instant horse racing machines last year, it was acting within the law. Greyhound's objective was the same as every other business: to make money.
What makes Greyhound Park and Event Center different from some local businesses is the way it gives back to the community. Over the years, The Press has reported dozens of contributions from Greyhound to local nonprofits that rely on such support to keep their doors open and their missions within reach. Sometimes Okuniewicz & Co. get public acknowledgment of that benevolence; most of the time, however, they do not. They give because they understand it's an important part of being a good corporate citizen.
In the past decade alone, Greyhound Park and Event Center has contributed about $700,000 to local nonprofits - everything from Boys and Girls Club, Tesh, Children's Village and area senior centers and food banks to KTEC, local charter schools and Specialized Needs Recreation. Jobs Plus, the area's primary jobs recruiter and retainer, has also benefited significantly.
Like Idaho Indian tribes and many of our region's most upstanding public figures, we join the chorus of those calling on Gov. Butch Otter, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden and the Idaho Legislature to close an illegal betting loophole and euthanize instant horse racing machines. At the same time, we'd like to say this to the folks at Greyhound Park and Event Center: Thanks. The good you do in our communities is not forgotten.