Check your cash? Or cash your check?
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 10 years AGO
A contractor who worked on a home on Nicholson Drive near Kalispell reportedly received a check from the owner as payment. Sounds normal enough, but the contractor called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office after the homeowner claimed that she left $500 in the form of $1 bills on the table for payment, and that the money had gone missing. No explanation available why the woman would have paid with both cash and check.
Litter along Flathead Avenue near Whitefish prompted a resident to request extra patrols along that route.
After leaving some personal items out in boxes for an auction company to pick up, a resident along Somers Road reported that someone had stolen some of it. The contents of the boxes were scattered, and the caller didn’t know what had been stolen. Though she wasn’t sure, the caller suspected that the owner of the property was the perpetrator.
A man reportedly met up with a woman on Stoner Loop in Lakeside to purchase a set of headphones through a Craigslist deal. The man didn’t know the woman was married until an angry husband drove up and picked a fight. They reportedly got back in their cars, rammed each other and took off at a high rate of speed. Another witness told deputies the married couple were later seen hitting each other.
A Coram resident called to report a mysterious Volkswagen that was parked on her Seville Lane property. Deputies located the owner of the vehicle, who agreed to move it.
Some apparently young people were parked in the driveway of a Willow Drive residence near Kalispell. The homeowner called the sheriff’s office to report the unknown motorists, who were “definitely smoking something.” They eventually drove off, and deputies were unable to locate the car.
Dispatch with the Whitefish Police Department had a hard time communicating with a caller who was hard of hearing. They were eventually able to gather that the caller was reporting a vehicle that kept parking in front of the mailboxes, making access difficult.
The Columbia Falls Police Department received a call from a Nucleus Avenue business about a drunk man who was trying to get a ride home and bothering customers. The caller told police that the man threatened a woman who wouldn’t give him a ride. Police met with the man, arranged for a sober ride home and advised him not to return to the business.
A resident was concerned about an elderly driver on Third Avenue East in Kalispell. The caller told the Kalispell Police Department that the elderly woman asked twice which pedal was the brake. Police responded and spoke with the woman.
A woman called police because she was having arguments with her boyfriend’s 17-year-old son. There was no physical fight, but the woman wanted advice. Police advised her to call on a regular line and not 911.
Someone reported a manhole cover that had been daisplaced on Hawthorn Avenue and Liberty Street. Police advised the city’s public works department.
An SUV was reportedly sitting at a South Main Street stop sign without anybody inside. Police arranged to have the vehicle towed.
Dispatch called back after a 911 hang-up. The people who picked up said they were trying to send a fax and may have hit “1” too many times. They said they would check their fax machine.