Saturday, March 29, 2025

Y.O.U. Banquet two weeks away

GARNET WILSON | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years, 1 month AGO
by GARNET WILSONHerald Outdoor Writers
Herald Outdoor Writer | February 27, 2015 12:45 PM

The Fifth Annual Y.O.U. Banquet on schedule for Feb. 28, just two weeks from tomorrow, at the Best Western Lake Front Inn.

Y.O.U. is also accepting youth applications for the 2015 fishing and hunting season. Youth diagnosed with a life threatening illness or physical disability can apply for one of YOU's 2015 hunting or fishing adventures. For more information on medical qualification contact us by phone or e-mail to discuss the opportunity for a Y.O.U. Adventure.

Cindy Carpenter is the contact person at 509-431-1604.

Fish and Wildlife is asking for comments on future hunting seasons

Fish and Wildlife is seeking public input on proposed recommendations for the 2015-17 hunting seasons.

The written comments will be accepted through Feb. 24 to help finalize proposed hunting rules and regulations for 2015-17 hunting seasons. To review and comment on the proposals, visit the department's website at

The hunting season proposals, which were developed after extensive public involvement, are also based on the objectives and strategies contained in the new 2015-21 Game Management Plan

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will also take public comment on the proposed recommendations at its March 20-21 meeting at the Civic Center in Moses Lake. Final commission action is scheduled to take place at the April 9-10 meeting.

Spring black bear hunt applications due Feb. 28

Hunters may now purchase and submit applications for a 2015 spring black bear hunting permit, applicable to specific areas of western and eastern Washington.

To be eligible for a permit, hunters must purchase and submit an application to the Fish and Wildlife by midnight Feb. 28.

A drawing will be held in mid-March for 383 permits in western Washington and 314 permits for hunts east of the Cascade Range. Permit winners will receive notification in the mail no later than March 31. Applicants may also check the results of the drawing on the WDFW website.

To apply for a permit, hunters must purchase a special permit application and a 2015 hunting license that includes bear as a species option. Hunting licenses, bear transport tags and bear permit applications may be purchased online, by phone at or at any license vendor in the state.

Hunters should be aware that private timberland owners in some hunt areas are limiting access or charging fees for access. If you cannot secure access in advance, do not apply for these hunts.

Any legal weapon used during the modern firearm, archery or muzzleloader seasons can be used for spring black bear hunts. Bait or hounds are not allowed for these hunts.


Spring hunting in sights
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 9 years, 1 month ago
Hunting seasons winding down
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 10 years, 2 months ago
First fishing opener one week from today
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 12 years, 1 month ago


A hunter gets a surprising visit at her tree stand
November 29, 2014 5 a.m.

A hunter gets a surprising visit at her tree stand

Tayler Schafer is a busy woman. She is the mother of 2-year-old twin boys, plus she will be finishing her double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education.

An angler enjoys time in the Great Outdoors
December 16, 2014 5 a.m.

An angler enjoys time in the Great Outdoors

Tera's big catch; following in the steps of Hemingway

Hunting and fishing: Goose, duck hunting good
November 23, 2014 5 a.m.

Hunting and fishing: Goose, duck hunting good

Reports reaching this desk put the goose and duck hunting as good, maybe great. Goose hunters are shooting mostly limits. Some duck hunters are also, but others are waiting for the northerns to arrive, as they put it.