STORY: Not worth the ink
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 years, 1 month AGO
What a waste of news and print space in Saturday’s Coeur d’Alene Press. The article “In Bad Taste” is a slap in the victims’ face and their family to even run this trash and gossip news on the front of our local paper. I’m so sad that we can’t find better news to report on in this great city.
You recycled a gullible old woman’s phone call to The Press who happens to believe anything she reads on Facebook and the Internet. This is just gossip and slander about a 2-year-old and a family’s tragedy and makes light of the situation. Shame on you for even wasting your time typing this garbage. Use your brain and go research what is going on in our communities and find stories that are fit to print.
Thank you random lady from Arkansas to remind us of how lame our local newspaper can be. If this was my paper I would have a headline read “JOB OPENING AT CDA PRESS.”
Mobile, Ala.