Are we all French now?
Robert Seymour | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 10 years AGO
Clean your ears out good, little children, and get ready to hear more sickening apologetic blather about a wonderful “religion of peace” by the haters of freedom in our media and government in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France.
Over and over we are told by our minders that this kind of barbaric violence and assault on our freedoms “does not represent Islam.” Really? Then what pray-tell does represent Islam? And exactly what makes our Dear Leader so uniquely qualified to be an authority on the subject?
Its been well over a decade since the 9/11 attacks, and the blundering ignorance of the left has done an amazingly good job of creating an environment that caters to Islamic thuggery. The Western world’s collective capitulation and retreat in the face of Islamic authoritarianism has also created the ISIS caliphate monster that now threatens the whole world.
Lest you should forget, America; it wasn’t that long ago that a “blasphemous hate-filled” video was responsible for the mob violence of Islamic goons who attacked our consulate and killed four Americans in Libya. And now this new attack, according to the same “logic,” must be just another case of “workplace violence”... but now in FRANCE of all places!
If I offended anyone out there in France or in La-La Land, I am sorry in advance. Well, at least kind-of just-a-little-bit sorry. After all, we are talking about good and evil here. I’m quite sure that my deeply felt remorse for being so insensitive will, at the very least, give me a few politically correct brownie points in fundamentally changed America.
No? But anyway, let’s get back on topic. I will do my best later on to feel more remorse than I do right now after I write more “offensive” and “highly inflammatory” hate-filled stuff.
But anyway, does it matter to anyone on the left in America that our Dear Leader came out against freedom of speech in 2012 by criticizing Charlie Hebdo for publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad? But only now, AFTER 12 innocent people are gunned down in France by Islamic Nazis does Obama say sheepishly that the attackers, “attacked freedom of expression”?
Hmmm. What exactly am I missing here? Which one is it, White-wash-House? Is freedom of expression “bad” because it is “deeply offensive” to thugs who want to kill you, or is freedom of expression kind-of, well, “to be tolerated somewhat now,” because those who dared challenge Islamic despotism are... oops, DEAD?
If freedom of expression is “inflammatory,” Mr. Obama, you have thrown gas on the fire by apologizing for the actions of the enemies of freedom. And just what are we supposed to call Islam then? A religion of peaceful expression? Or does it need to be just tranquilized a little or neutralized a bit more? Heck, just a few more bombs dropped in a sustained and sensitive way without a strategy will achieve that lofty goal in maybe like... only a year or two!
Excuse me while I take another gulp of Kool-Aid.
Ahhh... Mmmm, good stuff!
OK. I feel better now. What was I saying? Oh, I remember! Islam equals “peace” and... AND... this is the point, little children, that we all need to grasp... freedom and things like unadulterated raw speech and uncontrolled expression are very, VERY bad for the world. Why? Because freedom of expression “potentially inflames” peace-loving people who would be otherwise be living in peace, until they go on jihad.
Wow, I finally get it now!... and FYI... so do you!
Indeed, the staff of Charlie Hebdo became high-profile targets of opportunity for the haters of freedom only because they dared to “offend Islam.” The slain editor Stephane Charbonnier had fearlessly stated, “I’d rather die standing than to live kneeling.”
And here I thought erroneously that gun-toting colonials “living way back then” in remote places like New Hampshire were the only ones who once-upon-a-time loved freedom. Well, with a 5-million strong Muslim population operating with impunity in France, at least the French have strict gun control laws to prevent Islamic extremists from ever doing anything like this again.
So what we all need to glean from this, boys and girls, is that, aside from being totally tolerant of Islamic intolerance like the French, you need to understand that any American, European or Israeli, whether standing or kneeling, is born with a birthmark that looks exactly like a bulls-eye to the average everyday jihadist. So like it or not, left or right, we are all in a war against Islamic hatred, misogyny, slavery and yes... even submission to sharia law.
Ah, I meant “peaceful coexistence.”
All that is required for evil to prevail in the world is for good men and women to do absolutely nothing. Kind of like leaving our country wide open to just about anyone, or just believing in hope and change and voting for more of the same. Or, you could just be like the French, who have lost the battle against Islamic tyranny without even firing a shot.
When barbaric attacks on liberty like this happen, where are all the useful idiots on the left who speak fictitiously of “the war on women” waged by anyone who dares question the “moral superiority” of their lofty good intentions? Where are all the hard-core stand-by-your-man type neo-feminists like Hillary, or even just the politically correct intolerant masses singing kumbaya when a female dentist is beheaded by ISIS for treating a male patient?
Do the haters of freedom think they will somehow be spared because of their “progressive and tolerant” thinking? Do they not understand we are all targets in this unholy war? What will it take to make the irrational liberal mind think rationally?
It probably will take something like a little more tolerance, cause that seems to be working out really well for just about everyone in France.
Especially if you are a French cartoonist.
Robert Seymour is a resident of Kalispell.
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