Peter Hubbard Keller
Bigfork Eagle | UPDATED 9 years, 7 months AGO
My husband, best friend, true love and constant companion passed away on July 7, 2015 by accidental drowning in Hackensack, Minnesota.
He was excited to take and was enjoying this vacation with his family and many best friends. Peter Hubbard Keller was born to JoAnn Olson Keller and Dr. Richard Keller in Salt Lake City on Aug. 16, 1965. He was the second of three children. He grew up hiking, camping, taking many family vacations and traveling to different parts of the world.
When possible he followed the Grateful Dead, amongst other bands with close friends. Peter gradated from Skyline High School in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1983, later attending the University of Montana, where he received his B.A.E. in education and a B.A. in history. While in Missoula, he spent his summers as a guide for Holiday River Expeditions. He guided on the main Salmon and the Lochsa rivers in Idaho. He enjoyed this job greatly and told me wonderful stories from his experiences. Peter had a tremendous appreciation for the outdoors.
While his first year of teaching was on the Rocky Boy Reservation, he developed a passion for the North Fork of the Flathead on his many trips to the valley, where he purchased 25 acres close to the border. In 1995, Peter began his career teaching sixth grade in Columbia Falls where he remained for 20 years. His good friend Don Barta and others helped him build a cabin on "The Land" with whom we spent much time with, and eventually our boys. Peter and I were married there June 20, 1999. The perfect place to unite in marriage to one's soulmate. Peter had a great love for God, his family, and was a true patriot to his country.
Peter loved teaching and went to work each day for his students. He was dedicated, hard-working, and taught with dignity. He respected each student, trying to connect with them and be a positive influence in their lives.
He expressed much empathy where needed. Peter and I travelled each year with our boys, often more than once to let them learn from and experience life outside of Montana. His greatest joy was spending time with and watching his boys grow and develop. They shared a deep mutual love. He was a true family man, always putting us first. Although many of our dreams were achieved, many will be left unfulfilled.
While gone from this earth and rejoicing in heaven, each day for those that love him will remain a challenge. We will grieve our unimaginable loss keeping him forever in our hearts and fond memories. Farewell for now my love-until we meet again. Always, CC.
Peter is survived by his wife Debbie Forman Keller; sons Dalton Hubbard and Weston Peter of Creston; father Richard Keller (Sallee); sister Christena Ensign ( Mike) their children Hannah, Eric, Zachary and Andrew; sister-in-law Anina Merrill all of Salt Lake City; stepchildren Michael Jones, Bobby Jones (Ashley) Tara Billsborough (Rich) grandson Brody all of Kalispell; mother-in-law Elva Forman, brother-in-law Ben Forman (Joelle) their sons Josh Forman (Rachael) Zack Forman with his son Benny all of Columbia Falls; as well as the many wonderful, incredible best friends and their families in Salt Lake and Missoula. Peter was preceded in death by his cherished mother, JoAnn, in 2004 and beloved brother, David, in 2013.
"It is because of love we grieve, and because of love, also, that we will be comforted."
There will be a celebration of Peter's life on Aug. 22 at the Columbia Falls High School at 4 p.m.