VA wrong to fly LGBT flag in Helena
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 9 years, 8 months AGO
I am writing in reference to the Fort Harrison Veterans Administration (VA) flying the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) flag.
The explanation that the American Legion received from the VA was they were flying the flag to honor their LGBT employees. The mission of the VA is to honor and serve all veterans. Now I believe in Montana that we have the best VA employees in the nation and they should be honored for their professionalism and excellence.
The American Legion of Montana does not begrudge the LGBT community recognition. We do object to flying any flag that excludes any group of veterans. We believe that a veteran is a veteran regardless of their faith, race, or sexual preference. As long as the veteran has served honorably, we call them sister or brother. The best way to honor a veteran at any VA facility is to fly the U.S., POW/MIA, and/or the military service flags. Those are the only ones that should be flown to honor veterans.
On behalf of the American Legion and veterans, the VA should find another way to honor their LGBT employees and stop flying any flag that doesn’t represent all veterans. —Roger Hancock, Lolo, commander, Department of Montana American Legion