Thursday, March 06, 2025

Tangles and tethers

ANN WESSEL/St. Cloud Times | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 11 months AGO
by ANN WESSEL/St. Cloud Times
| March 14, 2015 9:00 PM


<p>Jerry Sandell catches some air while while snowkiting on Pearl Lake near Marty, Minn., Feb. 20.</p>


<p>Jerry Sandell and Rick Russell snow kite on Pearl Lake near Marty, Minn., Feb. 20.</p>

MARTY, Minn. (AP) - From shore, Mille Lacs Snow Kite Crossing spectators see an array of crescents arcing above the lake. Tethered bodies slanted at 45-degree angles, snowkiters see the swatches only in their peripheral vision.

They're focused on what lies ahead. Ice heaves. Other snowkiters and obstacles. Tangles are time-consuming, and this is a 28-mile, out-and-back endurance race.

"I can shut my eyes and I can tell exactly where that kite is. It's just the feel of the kite on your bar," said Jerry Sandell, who is among the 75 people who were expected to compete in the March 6-8 event based at Garrison Bay.

Sandell, 63, a cabinetmaker from South Haven, described himself as a farm boy who got into snowkiting by way of sailboats and catamarans. He progressed to windsurfing, which led to kiteboarding - on waves, snow and ice. The wind-driven sport harnesses skiers or snowboarders to a kite that pulls them across ice or snow.

With enough snow, an open field makes an ideal surface. With vast space unbroken by trees or houses, a large lake such as Mille Lacs makes for smooth winds.

On a recent Friday afternoon, Sandell and Rick Russell, 47, a real estate agent from St. Cloud, set up for a few hours on Pearl Lake.

Ringed by houses in a gray line of trees, the lake was silent save for the slicing of Sandell's sharpened snowboard through crusted snow and the whistling of wind through Russell's inflatable kite. The pair worked the stretch between a colony of fish houses and a shore rimmed in tan weeds. They passed within a few feet of a photographer, caught air, worked in a few back rolls, leaned impossibly close to the ice.

"I feel happy out there. It's freedom, it's freedom of the wind. I think it's kind of an addiction," Sandell said as he sat on the endgate of the 1986 Plymouth Voyager van he'd outfitted for snowkiting.

A few of his 27 kites fit in a sled in back. (Designs are always improving; he hangs onto the old ones, including a few training kites.) Old leather tool belts hold necessities, including long screws that ice climbers use in their ascent and snowkiters use to secure their kites if they have to stop.

"Control the kite at all times," Sandell said, repeating the most important thing beginners learn, the most important thing experienced boarders remember. Knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet and padded bike shorts help soften the impact when control is lost.

The wind beckons to Sandell on winter days when he's inside working.

"It's a freedom out there. It's not the power of a boat, but it's the power of the wind. It's quiet, but when we jump, everything's just silent, like floating through air," Sandell told the St. Cloud Times.

Some snowkiters listen to music while they're moving - a practice Sandell compared to listening to music in a deer stand.

"I prefer to hear the sound of the wind and the board on the snow. That's music to me," Sandell said.

His ideal speed is about 30 mph, but has been out in winds ranging from 8 mph to 45 mph. He's clocked others at 65 mph. Conditions dictate what size kite to use.

Ideal conditions for the Mille Lacs event: 5 to 6 inches of fresh snow and wind speeds of 12 to 15 knots. Clear ice makes conditions more dangerous because it makes for harder falls.

"(The Kite Crossings) tend to draw people not for their competitive spirit but to test their endurance against other people," said Kite Crossing consultant Michael Fox, who developed the event.

Fox, 56, of Minnetonka, who works in the dock and boat lift industry, entered the sport through windsurfing. The Kite Crossing grew out of a windsurfing event on Mille Lacs. These days, Fox is more involved in reviving windsurfing.

Russel does both. On Pearl Lake, he used an inflatable kite most often seen on the water. But he learned the sport in the winter.

"I like to be outside and I like to ski, snowboard. I like the feeling of flying, even it it's just a little baby jump," Russell said. "I still remember my very first jump, like 2 or 3 inches off the ground - and that was the greatest thing, just to float through the air."

A beginner can get into the sport for about $600; higher-end kites and gear run closer to $1,600.

"The disciplines you have to learn are similar to learning how to fly," Fox said by phone from Naples, Fla., where he spends winters caring for his mother. "You have to understand the power of what you have in the kite and how to handle it when the wind doesn't do what you expect it to."

Sandell estimated Minnesota's snowkiting community numbers about 150. The Kite Crossing has drawn competitors from surrounding states, Canada and Europe. It typically draws about 250 spectators, who can get also get a taste of the sport.

Training kites are often available, and someone usually is on hand to teach the basics.

The most difficult element to master?

"Having your wife or girlfriend let you go kiting," Russell said.


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Tangles and tethers
March 14, 2015 9 p.m.

Tangles and tethers

Wind carries kiteboarding enthusiasts across snow, ice

MARTY, Minn. (AP) - From shore, Mille Lacs Snow Kite Crossing spectators see an array of crescents arcing above the lake. Tethered bodies slanted at 45-degree angles, snowkiters see the swatches only in their peripheral vision.