Thursday, March 06, 2025

Don't allow Islam to re-shape America

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 9 years, 9 months AGO
| May 28, 2015 9:00 PM

I attended the Act for America meeting  where three local school superintendents served on a panel to discuss religion in schools.  They were very open and agreed that by law, students’ rights must be met.

One of the questions was “How would you handle a request by Muslims for a prayer room, halal food or prayer time?” They all agreed that they had not been faced with that request in our area.

My question is “how would they handle that situation if it were a request?” It is not far-fetched as it is a real possibility. There are mosques in Billings and Bozeman and the University of Missoula is used for Islam. My thought is that providing for and respecting all religions is fair and should be practiced, but when it comes to Islam there is no compromise. They demand halal food, prayer rooms and rugs and prayer time and request studies of Islam.

This is America and I don’t feel that we should ever give in to sharia law… period. If the Muslims cannot eat what we serve in our schools then bring your own food. If they have to pray five or six times, then they need to do that on their own time, not interrupt the class. IF they cannot fit into OUR schedule and OUR traditions (Easter, Christmas and all other holidays) then they need to go elsewhere. This is not about accommodating their religion; it is infiltration of Islam.  

They have infiltrated our government, changing policies and laws for our military and police and the demographics of several states. Sixteen states have introduced laws banning Sharia law and some have included foreign and international law as well. Some Muslims have stated that if they are practicing Muslims they are above the law of the land.

 I would hope that our legislators would join the other states to protect us from future trouble with the threat of sharia. It is coming, as the United States is bringing 200,000 to 250,000 refugees from Syria, Iraq and Somalia and other countries to relocate in many states (probably RED states). Boise and Twin Falls, Idaho, will receive 2,000 this year.

How many of these “refugees” are radical terrorists? We are already over-run with illegals coming across the border in droves. Who are they? Can we afford them?

In Michigan the Muslim refugees were allowed to bring in their multiple wives. They could only claim one; the others were placed on welfare, thanks to us taxpayers. I heard one man interviewed saying they would take over the U.S. with numbers as each wife would have 10 children. The official birth rate is 8.5. When you place a call in Michigan it is: press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish and press 3 for Arabic.

This is the United States, a sovereign nation, it is time that we stop political correctness and trying to please all the foreigners that we have so generously allowed in our country. WE have given up many of our traditions to accommodate the non-Christians; which is ridiculous as they do not have to participate. After all we were founded as a Christian nation.

 We need to stand firm and take our country back. God bless America. —Joanne White, Kalispell


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