Friday, January 31, 2025

Jim Wilmot played drums in the Jack Decker Band

Herald Columnist | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 2 months AGO
by Herald ColumnistDENNIS. L. CLAY
| November 6, 2015 12:45 PM


Ephrata Gets Even With Chiefs, 58-40

Appearing in the Oct. 16 edition of the CBH was an article from the Feb. 14, 1952 edition of the CBH about an upcoming dance.

After the column appeared, I found an ad about the dance in the same CBH edition. Plus Jim Wilmot called me with some information about the band. Read on.

Appearing in the Oct. 16 Bits & Pieces column:

Valentine’s Day dance

A special Valentine’s Day dance will be held tonight in the Cascade Dine and Dance. Jack Decker and his band will plan from 9 to 1, with Ila Lavon Decker as featured soloist. Official opening for the Cascade under its new management will be held next month, partner Ed Sheppard says.

Dennis note: Where was the Cascade Dine and Dance located? This business evolved into another business and then another business. What were the names of these businesses?

Nadine Driggs responded with this note: The Cascade Dine and Dance was located in West Lake. The next business was Shakey’s Pizza Parlor and finally Chico’s Pizza.

From Jim Wilmot:

I played drums with Jack on sax, his wife Ila on Hammond Keyboard, Lou Galloway on trumpet and Dorothy Galloway vocals. This was at Mel’s Dine and Dance at West Lake. Later it became Chico’s.

Dennis note: Great stuff, Jim. Do you have any photos?

E-mail from Cheryl

Facts from the past gleaned from the Moses Lake Herald, Columbia Basin Herald and The Neppel Record by Cheryl (Driggs) Elkins:

From the Columbia Basin Herald on Feb. 14, 1952:

Hear Taft address

Sen. Robt. A. Taft’s appearance at the annual banquet of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce Monday night was attended by President Darrell Ries and Manager Omar Bixler of the Moses Lake Chamber by courtesy of the Spokane Chamber.

Directors J.O. English and Forrest Hardin and their wives also attended, having obtained reservations through the courtesy of the Inland Empire Committee of the Spokane Chamber.

At Connell

Fast, organized action by city officials, volunteer firemen and heavy equipment saves existing drainage channel when spring flood waters threaten town. Chamber of Commerce cancels meeting when all members join work crews.

At Coulee City

Centennial Flour Mills announced construction of a $190,000 elivator will start at once for July operation.

Scratch play at Bowl Sunday

A scratch tournament will be run off Sunday at The Bowl, according to Proprietor Dudley McLean. Singles will be the only event, and it will be a no-handicap affair with each entrant rolling six games.

The following weekend an open tournament for doubles, singles and teams will be held, with bowlers invited from throughout the state. It will last for two days, team events being scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 23, and doubles and singles the next day.

Dick Jurgens Band to appear at Base

Duck Jurgens and his band will play for an evening of dancing at the Larson Ai Force Base Offices’ Club Feb. 27. The affair will be informal and admission will be limited to club members and invited guests.

Study begun for industry

Second regular meeting of the industrial committee of the Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce was Monday noon, with Chairman Fred W. Mattson taking up the questions of service to local industry and pursuit of new development and new types of industry of Moses Lake.

Study of industrial information compiled by the chamber last year was begun by the committee, with consideration of some additional publication of that material and general advertising of the several natural advantages which Moses Lake has for the processing industry in the center of the Columbia Basin.

Sherman wins national honor for insurance

Nate Sherman of Moses Lake has been awarded the title of “agent of the year” by the Continental Assurance Co. of Chicago, he was notified last week. The award puts him at the top of the list of Continental’s life underwriters throughout the U.S.

Theft of jacket brings arrests

Theft of a $31 jacket from Monty’s Trading Post Friday afternoon led to the arrest of five Wenatchee youths, Police Chief W.E. Bjork announced that night. They were released to their parents’ custody pending action by the county prosecutor, he said.


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