Cross country results
Kylie Richter Lake County Leader | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 5 months AGO
All of the local cross country teams competed in Thompson Falls on Thursday, then Polson, Charlo and Ronan traveled to Hamilton on Saturday. On Thursday, the Ronan boys placed fourth as a team, one ahead of Polson. Ronan’s Jackson Duffey continued to have a good season by placing fifth overall. Polson’s Zachary Evertz was eight seconds behind him, and finished eighth. Mission’s Tate Weingart was the top finisher for the Bulldogs with a time of 17:34. That earned him a 13th place finish.
In the girls race, Malia Seeley was the highest finishing Lake County athlete with a sixth place finish. Ryan Harrop was right behind her, and Molly Sitter was a few places back at 10th. The Polson girls placed second as a team, behind Timberlake, Idaho. Jaden Coston was the fastest girl for Charlo with a 15th place finish, and Ashley McCready of Ronan was right behind her in 16th. Arlee’s top finisher was freshman Natalie Yocum.
On Saturday, the Polson girls took home top honors. Molly Sitter beat out teammate Malia Seeley for fourth place, and Ryan Harrop was sixth with a time of 21:35. Ashley McCready of Ronan was eighth with a time of 21:51.
The Ronan boys took second behind Hamilton, and Polson was behind them in third. Ronan’s Jackson Duffey took fifth place with a time of 17:58, and Daniel Koehler and Kiry Detweiler were eighth and tenth respectively. Polson’s Zach Evertz was 12th with a time of 18:41. Arlee had their annual meet on Monday. The results from that meet are below.
Thompson Falls Invite
Team Scores
1. Frenchtown 49 2. Timberlake, ID 70 3. 4. Ronan 122 5. Polson 145 10. Arlee 372
1. Sage Wanner Col. Falls 16:14 5. Jackson Duffey Ron 17:08 8. Zachary Evertz Pol 17:16 13. Tate Weingart SI 17:34 20. Quin Stewart Pol 17:48 21. Daniel Kohler Ron 17:51 25. Nate Dennis Ron 17:57 26. Matt Sitter Pol 17:59 30. Kiry Detwiler Ron 18:03 Hunter Peterson Ron 18:25 Coby DeBruin Pol 18:29 Tyler Bledsoe Pol 18:47 Warren Wood Pol 18:56 Wills DeGrandpre Charlo 19:00 Andrew Koehler Ron 19:14 Aden Birdinground Ron 19:48 Wyatt Benson Pol 19:58 Makauly Morrison Pol 20:10 Michael Kohler Ronan 20:11 Aubrey Frissell Polson 20:15 Connor Koenig Charlo 20:23 Devon Siech Charlo 20:25 Ivory Brien Arlee 20:33 Colter Brazill Arlee 20:37 Skyler Titsworth Arlee 20:43 Nate Plant Pol 20:51 Wacey McClure SI 21:00 Sequoia Wiley Arlee 21:07 Chase Wiley Arlee 21:14 Jacob Dresden Ron 21:16 Tyler Joachim Ronan 21:18 Korbyn Pierre SI 21:49 Jonah DuCharme Pol 22:03 Warren Castor SI 22:29 Jason Miller Arlee 22:51 Terrell Stump Ron 23:06 Brendan Ryan Arlee 23:07 Zach Mathias TER 23:21 Ezra Johnson Ron 23:41 Nate Delaney Charlo 24:16 Asa Askan Pol 25:26 Micah Askan Polson 25:35 Tristan George TER 27:07 Issaiah Mathias TER 30:42
Team scores
1. Timberlake, ID 42 2. Polson 77 7. Arlee 275
6. Malia Seeley Pol 19:53 7. Ryan Harrop Pol 20:00 10. Molly Sitter Pol 20:53 15. Jaden Coston Charlo 21:09 16. Ashley McCeady Ron 21:10 23. Quinn Motichka Pol 22:00 25. Natalie Yocum Arlee 22:10 Tessa Nunlist Pol 22:37 Penni Weyant Ronan 22:48 Shawntaya Nelson Arlee 23:11 Tashyna Matt Ron 24:16:00 Natalee Wheeler Pol 24:23:00 Shaniya Decker SI 24:24:00 Sarah Wood Pol 24:55:00 Skyler Frame Charlo 25:14:00 Korrie Frisk Ron 25:26:00 Sierra Garcia Pol 25:46:00 Kaitlynn Sassaman Ron 26:04:00 Shalona Gray Pol 27:08:00 Tori Peterson SI 27:24:00 Malachi Deroche Arlee 27:53:00 Nicole Perry Arlee 29:09:00 Naomi Plant Arlee 30:50:00 Telesa Truman Charlo 31:52:00 ArriAnna Henry Arlee 32:17:00
Hamilton Invitational
GIRLS (43)
Team – Polson 47, Hamilton 59, Ronan 128
Individual- 4. Molly Sitter Pol 21:06 5. Malia Seeley Pol 21:09 6. Ryan Harrop Pol 21:35 8. Ashley McCready Ron 21:51.21 18. Penni Weyant Ronan 23:19.81 11. Quinn Motichka Pol 22:11 21. Tessa Nunlist Pol 23:36 28. Natalee Wheeler Pol25:03 29. Josey Motichka Pol 25:07 32. Sarah Wood Pol 25:45
BOYS (63)
Team – Hamilton 44, Ronan 66, Polson 93,
Individual-5. Jackson Duffy Ron17:58.11 8. Daniel Koehler Ron 18:07.34 10. Kiry Detwiler Ron 18:35.62 12. Zach Evertz Pol 18:41 16. Nate Dennis Ron 19:00.43 17. Matt Sitter Pol 18:59 19. Quin Stewart Pol 19:06 21. Coby DeBruin Pol 19:15 24. Warren Wood Polson 19:36 25. Thunder Morales Polson 19:50 Polson 21:18
Arlee Hatchery Challenge
1. Lily Lang, Darby, 20:35
5. Jaden Coston, Charlo, 22:43
6. Yocum, Natalie, Arlee, 23:27
8. Nelson, Shawntaya, Arlee, 24:11
9. Whitesell, Becca, Arlee, 24:41
12. Allie Delaney, Charlo, 25:32
13. Mykayalan Roylance, Charlo, 25:34
16. Shaniya Decker, Mission, 26:22
17. Skyler Frame, Charlo, 26:50
20. Tori Peterson, Mission, 29:08
21. Perry, Nicole, Arlee, 29:56
23. DeRoche, Malachi, Arlee, 31:04
24. North, Alice, Arlee, 31:06
25. Plant, Naomi, Arlee, 31:26
26. Telesa Truman, Charlo, 32:03
28. Henry, ArriAnna, Arlee, 33:31
1. Evan Duggan, Darby, 17:17
2. Tate Weingart, Mission, 18:38
4. Whitesell, Greg, Arlee, 19:06
9. Devon Siech, Charlo, 21:16
10. Brazill, Colt, Arlee, 21:17
12. Connor Koenig, Charlo, 21:24
13. Titsworth, Skyler, Arlee, 21:29
15. Wiley, Chase, Arlee, 21:40
18. Brien, Ivory, Arlee, 22:00
19. Miller, Jason, Arlee, 22:17
21. Wacey McClure, Mission, 22:29
22. Korbyn Pierre, Mission, 22:31
23. Wiley, Sequoia, Arlee, 22:40
27. Ryan, Brendan, Arlee, 24:41
28. Nate Delaney, Charlo, 25:07
29. Issaiah Mathias, Two Eagle, 25:08
32. Warren Castor, Mission, 25:26
33. Zach Mathias, Two Eagle, 25:40
35. Tristan George, Two Eagle, 26:37

Polson girls win first cross county meet of the season
Lake County Leader | Updated 9 years, 6 months ago
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