Kalispell Chamber leads trip to China
Seaborn Larson | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 11 months AGO
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce’s trip to China takes flight next week with 200 Kalispell residents participating in the cultural and trade excursion.
“China is an important trading partner, especially with Montana,” Kalispell Chamber President Joe Unterreiner said. “This is a great opportunity to see one of the most famous cultures and tourism sites in the world, and also to establish some trade and business development opportunities.”
Of the 200 travelers, 95 will visit the U.S. Embassy and meet with U.S. Ambassador Max Baucus, a former longtime Democratic U.S. senator from Montana.
“It’s exciting to have so many friends from the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce visiting China,” Baucus said in a press release. “We’re thrilled to host such a great group here at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing to discuss how we manage the complex trade and economic relationship the United States has with China and how we work to promote opportunities for business investment.”
Members will enter the embassy on April 13 for a two-hour session with Baucus before participating in a business social and trade show with about 250 members of the American Chambers China and Chinese government officials.
Members of the Flathead business community also will meet with different companies at a match-making event for an opportunity to create relationships and potential export partners. Diane Medler, executive director of the Kalispell Convention and Visitor Bureau, will set up meetings with different Chinese travel companies in an effort to offer a return of hospitality.
“We want to open the conversation with Chinese tour companies on coming to the Flathead,” Unterreiner said.
The entire group will have the chance to visit several economic revitalization zones, including the Pudong Economic Development Zone in Shanghai, which is anticipated to be China’s soon-to-be financial hub and example of the country’s urban development strategy.
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce previously traveled to China in 2009 and 2010, each time with about 100 travelers. The organization is already opening registration for a another trip abroad next year, due to the sold-out level of public interest in this year’s trip.
This fall the Chamber hopes to take about 50 people to Austria during Oktoberfest. About 20 people already have signed up.
The group traveling to China leaves on April 8 from Seattle and will return April 18. Those at home can follow the trip online while travelers blog their experience daily at kalispelltravels.blogspot.com.
“There’s a lot of interest in the community to go on this trip and see what’s going on in China,” Unterreiner said. “It’s a special opportunity.”
To register for next year’s trip to China, call the Chamber office at 758-2806.
Reporter Seaborn Larson may be reached at 758-4441 or by email at slarson@dailyinterlake.com.
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