Local scholar earns chance of a lifetime
Marcia Wilson Contributing Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 6 months AGO
SANDPOINT — Thanks to a series of fortunate events — and a serious attitude toward her studies — Sandpoint High School senior Lauren Sfeir earned a rare opportunity while still only a high school junior: She was named a John Ernest Foundation Scholar and gained the opportunity to spend part of her summer at the prestigious Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
A partnership between local philanthropist Christian Groenke, the Panhandle Alliance for Education, and Sandpoint High’s Post-Secondary Counselor Jeralyn Mire and Principal Tom Albertson made this incredible scholarship and chance of a lifetime a reality.
The scholarship, designed to encourage up-and-coming young scientists, is funded through the John Ernest Foundation. The John Ernest Foundation is a College of Mentors around the world with a passion for turning dreams into reality. Christian Groenke is a board member and officer of the John Ernest Foundation.
Lauren was chosen to be a John Ernest Foundation Fellow because she demonstrated passion for a career in the STEM disciplines, which include science, technology, engineering and math; has a track record of academic achievement; and showed the maturity to serve as an ambassador for our community. In addition, Lauren’s achievements and desire to give back to the community won her the unanimous approval of the five member scholarship committee.
Lauren is a very hardworking, attentive and curious student. She prides herself on time management, works hard to maintain excellent grades, engages in multiple sports and still finds time for volunteer work in our community. She plans to major in biology in college and dreams of attending a small private university.
While studying at Smith College this summer, Lauren experienced life at a respected university and received practical training under the supervision of working professors and graduate students. She says: “I’ve learned a lot about myself and my interests. I found out through taking a microbiology course at Smith that I am really interested in the study and development of antibiotics. This will allow me to further narrow down what kind of biology or career I would like to pursue. Being in the lab for several hours a day has also taught me many practical techniques that are typical of college level courses. Probably the best part of my experience was making connections with those around me and getting a taste of college life. I was able to meet so many people from all over the U.S and the world.”
PAFE is a non-profit organization composed of local citizens, businesses, and educators. The organization’s mission is to promote excellence in education and broad-based community support for the Lake Pend Oreille School District. Donations are distributed as a working pool of money used to fund local teacher grants, READY! For Kindergarten, an early childhood literacy program for parents of children from birth to age five, an LPOSD-wide writing program and other strategic programs.
Information: online, www.panhandlealliance.org; or PAFE Executive Director Marcia Wilson, 208-263-7040

PAFE launches community school survey
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