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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 8 years, 1 month AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID. 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Highlight of the well-attended Sandpoint Lions Club charter night banquet and dance was the visit of Governor elect and Mrs. Don Samuelson.
The annual affair was held in the Community Hall and catered by Chef Leonard Haugse of the Pastime Café and assisted by Joe Ross. •••
Les Brown was master of ceremonies. In his introduction Brown said that Samuelson didn’t do it alone — someone else helped a great deal and we have that person here with us tonight — Don’s lovely wife, Ruby. In his remarks Samuelson said, “I don’t take this burden lightly. I will do the best job possible as governor. We will always call Sandpoint our home.”
Honors were bestowed upon the Samuelsons by Mayor Floyd Gray including a plaque topped by a key to the city of Sandpoint. Gray remarked that there have been few times when he had seen fit to award the key to the city and that a great amount of merit had to be involved before he was inclined to make this particular award.
Others who have received the key to the city include the late Congresswoman Gracie Pfost, a former Miss Idaho, pro football player Jerry Kramer, a group of little league baseball players from Alaska, a national president of the VFW Auxiliary and the family of Harry S. Truman on President Truman’s official visit to Idaho. Samuelson is the first governor to receive it.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Dec. 11, 1916 — WRENCOE NEWS
The younger generation of Wrencoe population are taking advantage of the fine coasting on the hill near town and many are the spills and somersaults that the moon witnesses in her serene watch over all.
Plans for the municipal Christmas tree embrace the telling in pantomime of “The Story of the Nativity,” in charge of Rev. Burleson, who will have the three wise men story to assist in the presentation. The children of the city schools are being taught carols to sing at the exercises which will mark the Christmas tree festivities.
Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, wives and — well — in fact all the girls will be glad to hear the dope: The boys are coming home!
Under orders from the war department, between five and six thousand national guardsmen will return from duty on the Mexican border and the 2nd Idaho infantry will be among the troops which turn their faces from the desolate Mexican hills and deserts and turn their footsteps into the north. The often reported, expectantly awaited, time has arrived and it won’t be many days, now, until “Johnny comes marching home.”
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