OPINION: 'Once upon a time...' (It's not a fairy tale; it's American history)
Jerry Molen | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 1 month AGO
Once upon a time... we relished the thought of honesty. We cherished the stories of our first president speaking the truth when it came to chopping down a cherry tree. Now it seems one who may run for the office of president of the United States can lie and for some it doesn’t matter.
Once upon a time... we shunned those liars and prevaricators of truth and deception. Now we celebrate them, elect or hire them and even cheer them rather than demand truth and ethical behavior.
Once upon a time... we sought out men and women of integrity and character, people who stood by their convictions. Now it seems we tend to allow those all important traits to cease being qualifiers.
Once upon a time... we demanded patriotism from our political candidates, but have since decided that patriotism is too much to ask of men and women who may see America as a second-rate country.
Once upon a time... we honored the men and women who served their nation, their states, their counties and their cities. Now we fail to fulfill our promises to them on health care and education.
Once upon a time... we allowed our servicemen and women the right to be ministered to by chaplains of all faiths but now see the present administration attempting to making the vital work of military chaplains a crime punishable by court-martial or expulsion.
Once upon a time... many of our senators and congressmen and women were hailed for their military service; now some of them create tales of bravery and courage in order to be hailed.
Once upon a time... we respected and looked up to our police and firefighters. Now we see them being condemned or denounced in the media, censured by some in leadership and mocked by some in the populace. These same “good folks” fail to see the need until the need arises.
Once upon a time... we closed a deal, confirmed a decision or showed respect by a handshake. Now we shirk at touching hands for fear of a germ or lacking respect and sincerity for the issue at hand.
Once upon a time... we governed our behavior and moral standards as outlined by the Ten Commandments. Now we see the Ten Commandments destroyed, shunned, avoided, condemned and belittled and our culture tends to not only reflect those views, but in certain cases, sadly, embraces it.
Once upon a time... we stood up to tyranny, fascism, elitism, despotism, totalitarianism, communism, socialism and even, in some cases, progressivism. Now there seems to be a lack of courage or concern about the future, country and personal responsibility.
Once upon a time... leadership mattered. We cared enough and respected our leaders because they spoke of the greatness of America. They stood with courage and did not allow second best to be a goal. Now we find many who seek subservient status and are satisfied with non-conforming. Others bloviate and speak of things they know nothing about.
Once upon a time... America was seen as the greatest country on the face of the earth. Sadly, there are those who now see America as second rate — second best.
Once upon a time... we cherished our fourth estate. We revered our press and the fact that they watched over the government to protect our basic rights. Now we find journalism in its death throes, unable or unwilling to watch out for the folk because a progressive agenda or mindless leadership steers their course of action.
Once upon a time... we talked about “once upon a time” being the beginning of a fairy tale or a fantasy where we were challenged to use our imaginations. To visualize a time when things would always get better and provide the American dream. We believed and we trusted our teachers and our leaders... and now many fear the dream may be lost or in fact just a fairy tale, something that happened “once upon a time.”
And now as we begin the new year of 2016, and although we have much to be thankful for, we also have much to think about when we realize our children and grandchildren may not grow up in the same America as some of us have. I did not realize so many people would be willing to take second best as a way of life. I did not realize how many people would think that freeloading was preferable to being a winner.
It is not too late. It has taken those with bad intentions who are a part of conceiving of this perpetual evil to achieve their lofty goals. But we, the American people, can, must and I truly pray, will rise up to take back this great land.
We have arrived at a time and place where many people are lazy, others are caught up on drugs, some have found the feeding trough of enabled shiftlessness, others seek a more progressive lifestyle and of course there are those who tend to know it all and seem destined to put their own brand of elitism, arrogance and disdain to the issue, while the rest see no need to understand the difference at all.
Only a few remain true to the tenets of individual rights, liberty and personal responsibility — and therein is the place we will still find our saving grace. Just like it was, “Once Upon a Time.”
Jerry Molen, of Bigfork, is the Academy Award-winning producer of “Schindler’s List,” “Jurassic Park” and “2016.” Prior to his 50-year career in the motion picture industry, he served in the Marine Corps.
A culture of contempt: The underlying cause of the Veteran Affairs scandal?
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 10 years, 9 months ago
We need to keep talking - and listening - to each other
After reading through the Daily Inter Lake on Sunday afternoon, I determined I should at least respond to a couple of the letters to the editor. The subject matter is of importance since both letters basically attacked the idea of Dinesh D’Souza speaking at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts on March 10.
We need to keep talking - and listening - to each other
After reading through the Daily Inter Lake on Sunday afternoon, I determined I should at least respond to a couple of the letters to the editor. The subject matter is of importance since both letters basically attacked the idea of Dinesh D’Souza speaking at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts on March 10.
OPINION: 'Once upon a time...' (It's not a fairy tale; it's American history)
Once upon a time... we relished the thought of honesty. We cherished the stories of our first president speaking the truth when it came to chopping down a cherry tree. Now it seems one who may run for the office of president of the United States can lie and for some it doesn’t matter.