LETTER: GOP needs a history lesson on Supreme Court appointments
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 9 years AGO
While reading the AP news on Feb 16, I came across a story that quotes the GOP Senate members ordering President Obama “don’t bother nominating a candidate for the Supreme Court because we will not approve.”
All of the GOP presidential candidates have warned President Obama to let the newly elected president make the nomination. Obviously this is a self-serving warning.
I also ran across a sound bite and movie of President Ronald Reagan addressing Congress. President Reagan informed Congress that it’s their duty to fill the open Supreme Court seat IMMEDIATELY. The modern-day conservative Republicans are running counter to their conservative icon President Ronald Reagan. They interpret the Constitution and conservative doctrine only as it meets their needs.
This short letter is a little history lesson for conservatives suffering from political amnesia. According to the Constituion and with the many very important issues before the Supreme Court at this time, President Obama must make the nomination now to avoid gridlock. —Jerry Reckin, Kalispell