OPINION: Learn the facts about refugee resettlement
Eric Knutson | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 years, 1 month AGO
Regarding the Missoula refugee issue, states, counties, cities and towns have no say in whether or not refugees will be brought in — refugees who speak other languages and who know little or nothing of American liberty.
Specifically, the 100 Syrian refugees who will be brought to Missoula can be located anywhere within 100 miles of Missoula.
American largesse toward refugees is something I understand and identify with, but there’s more to the issue, and proponents of resettlement generally resort to labeling opponents as racist, Islamophobic, or hateful. When they do, they lose all credibility.
Some of the proponents will appeal to Jesus’ oracle to feed the poor, but they ignore His warning not to cast pearls before swine. Am I calling refugees pigs? No, this saying means that Jesus didn’t say to indiscriminately give charity to anyone without considering the possible consequences, and we’ve already seen undesirable results in Germany, San Bernardino, and Sweden.
This is not to say there will surely be troubles in Missoula, but that will be addressed later. If anyone has a problem with this, the problem is with Jesus. If it’s using the swine/pig word in the quote, it should be noted that Syrian refugees will certainly include some Muslims, and they religiously label Jews and Christians as pigs.
The biggest potential problems will be with any Muslims who try to impose sharia law on the United States. Muslims are welcome to live here, but if they’re not willing to abandon sharia law on non-Muslims, they shouldn’t be allowed here. The U.S. Constitution trumps sharia law, and Americans need to understand what we’re in for. Googling Islamic apocolypse generally shows that Islamic extremists, including the Iranian ayatollah, are calling for jihad, especially toward Israel and the U.S., in preparation for the Islamic version of the Messiah, the Mahdi.
This most likely explains Iranian attitudes, and more to the point, the meteoric rise in violent jihad, as in Paris and San Bernardino recently. Muhammad told his converts, “I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate, and to wage jihad for the sake of Allah.” Jihad is more than just killing infidels; it includes getting sharia law established, and that’s what’s likely to be the bulk of what we Americans may face with communities being settled with Syrian refugees, and we need to stand up with a resounding no to sharia.
News outlets tell us that 60-80 percent of Americans oppose refugees being resettled here, but it seems we have no choice. If you’re OK with government running our lives, then do nothing, but if you oppose refugee resettlement altogether, or if you aren’t quite sure about it, Americans need to contact legislators and the president about shutting down sharia law, and probably most effective is to contact state and county officials.
It’s the opinion of this writer that lots of folks think all we can do is wait and see who gets elected in November. That may be an excuse for not sticking one’s neck out and ruffling some feathers. This is a time to ruffle some feathers, and each of us needs to stand up individually and oppose either refugee resettlement or sharia law, whichever seems best to you, but there’s no question, sharia law is jihad against American liberty.
Use the Internet, or Facebook or Twitter, or the phone, or letters. There’s a petition on the website actforamerica.org, and there’s a meeting of the Flathead chapter of Act for America at the Kalispell Red Lion at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb 23.
Martin Luther King said it best, “What will be remembered is not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Knutson is a resident of Dayton.
LETTER: Here are some facts that were not brought up about refugees
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