Community Notes
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 8 years, 8 months AGO
Adult Softball
Community adult softball, starting July 1 at 6 p.m. in Alberton. Games start at 6:30 at the baseball field on Railroad Ave. Kids are welcome to play in the park. Bring mitt and glove and possibly food to share.
Shakespeare in the Park
The Mineral County Performing Arts Council will host Shakespeare in the Park at 6 p.m. on August 16 at the fairgrounds in Superior.
Pool opens for summer
The Superior swimming pool opened on June 13. Students are $2.00 and adults 18 and older are $2.50 for residents, $2.50 and $4.00 for non-residents. Swimming lessons and season passes are also available.
Launch party
The Mineral County Community Foundation is hosting a launch party, “Let’s Play”, to expand playground equipment at the Eva Horning Park in Superior. July 24, from 2 until 6 pm with a BBQ, live music, and children’s games. Volunteers are needed to help install the equipment in September. Information at (406) 369-5649.
Quilt Guild Show
The Cabin Fever Quilt Guild is holding their 16th Annual Quilt Show, “From Small Towns with Big Hearts” on August 5-6, 2016, at Superior High School from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Information available on Facebook.
Farmer’s Market (Alberton)
Alberton Community Farmers’ Market will be held on Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Community Center parking lot from until Sept. 10. Vendor tables are free. Contact:
Farmer’s Market (Superior)
Superior Community Farmers’ Market will be held on Saturdays, 9 to noon. Contact Peggy Stewart for information.
Farmer’s Market (DeBorgia)
DeBorgia will hold their Farmer’s Markets on Saturday.
Vet clinic
Mobile Veterans Clinic, Monday’s 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Mineral Community Hospital.
Ham Radio Gathering
Ham Radio Demonstration at Savenac June 24-26 During the weekend of June 24-26, a group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) from Montana and Washington will be showing off their emergency operation capabilities during an annual event called “Field Day”.
Wellness Program
The Mineral Community Hospital Wellness Program will be hosting hikes with Jim Cyr. The next hike will be held on Saturday, July 9, from Hoodoo Pass to Heart Lake. The public is encouraged to participate on these easy hike which also contains interesting historical information.
Railroad Day
Alberton Railroad Day will be July 16 with a day full of activities including live music, food and craft vendors, and a wild west show.
Fair Dates
Superior will host the Mineral County Fair and Rodeo on August 3-6.
Wanted: firefighters
Frenchtown Rural Fire District is seeking volunteer fire fighters. Call (406) 626-5791 or visit for information.
Do you have a community event, or story idea? Please send them to: Kathy Woodford, Mineral Independent at or mail to: PO Box 667, Plains, MT 59859 or call (406) 826-3402.